I bought my HD-DVD A3 for $100 knowing it was likely to lose the format war, but I didn't not have a DVD upconverting player so it was a simple method for me to get some free HD-DVDs (7) and an upconverting DVD player.
When a full feature Blu-ray player is available for the price/Value inlcuding movies as I paid for the HD DVD Player I will consider the purchase.
Till then. DOWN WITH BLU![]()
What I see here is a poll by a BluRay supporter who has some agenda. I can't figure out what would be your reason for this.
(1) Why would you post this in the War Zone rather than in the HDDVD forum?
(2) Why would you give choices containing wonderful options like "I hate Sony...", "I'm mad they lost..." and "once the sting wears off...".
You try to legitimize your poll by saying "I'm especially interested..." but that's an obviously shallow statement. Are you attempting to pat yourself on the back for choosing BluRay or something? "I'm especially interested..." in your motivations/agenda. Why don't you add an option to your poll: "After BluRay won, its supporters are acting so immature that I don't want to be drug into that - guilty by association, you know."
For the record, I bought an HDDVD player because it was cheap and I was already in the market for a simple upconverter that cost more than the HDDVD player. It is the better choice from the consumers point of view. Who in their right mind wants to pay more for something that does the same thing? BluRay did not win because consumers chose it. It won because movie studios and manufacturers chose it. And they did that because they expect more profit from BluRay than HDDVD. That's a simple fact of business. This profit will be funded by consumers.
I will possibly buy a BluRay player once the price of players and movies drops to a sane level and it can compete with DVD. HDDVD wasn't at that Utopian point either when it died, but it was closer than BluRay. I will now wait for the final outcome of HD discs in general.
You're right - I definitely need glasses. About 5 diopter of them unfortunately!And just to set the record straight, NO upconverted DVD can even come close to a HD 1080p movie. If you think that then you definately need glases!!
I do not buy things to "support a format". I buy for me. I couldn't care less if Toshiba or Sony make a profit or take a loss. That's their problem, not mine.In the end it was really Toshiba's HD-DVD customers that did not buy to support their format.
It was not the customers that did in HDDVD, it was the lack of them. BluRay is facing the exact same thing. They need lots of customers to win out over standard DVD. I hope they get them in the required quantity so that HD discs don't become a thing of the past. HDDVD thought they could get those customers by charging lower prices for the players (but paradoxically, not the media). This didn't work for HDDVD. BluRay thinks they can get the customers by charging higher prices for the players and presenting them as superior devices. BluRay media costs are a wash with HDDVD media costs, so there's no difference in the strategies there.If HD-DVD is on its way out it was not the BDA, their prices, their player profiles nor their movies that really did in HD-DVD -- it was their customers.
Thats all you really had to say....I will possibly buy a BluRay player once the price of players and movies drops to a sane level and it can compete with DVD. HDDVD wasn't at that Utopian point either when it died, but it was closer than BluRay. I will now wait for the final outcome of HD discs in general.
What I see here is a poll by a BluRay supporter who has some agenda. I can't figure out what would be your reason for this.
(1) Why would you post this in the War Zone rather than in the HDDVD forum?
(2) Why would you give choices containing wonderful options like "I hate Sony...", "I'm mad they lost..." and "once the sting wears off...".
You try to legitimize your poll by saying "I'm especially interested..." but that's an obviously shallow statement. Are you attempting to pat yourself on the back for choosing BluRay or something? "I'm especially interested..." in your motivations/agenda. Why don't you add an option to your poll: "After BluRay won, its supporters are acting so immature that I don't want to be drug into that - guilty by association, you know."
For the record, I bought an HDDVD player because it was cheap and I was already in the market for a simple upconverter that cost more than the HDDVD player. It is the better choice from the consumers point of view. Who in their right mind wants to pay more for something that does the same thing? BluRay did not win because consumers chose it. It won because movie studios and manufacturers chose it. And they did that because they expect more profit from BluRay than HDDVD. That's a simple fact of business. This profit will be funded by consumers.
I will possibly buy a BluRay player once the price of players and movies drops to a sane level and it can compete with DVD. HDDVD wasn't at that Utopian point either when it died, but it was closer than BluRay. I will now wait for the final outcome of HD discs in general.
The reason I expect players to be under $200 is because this is simply an incremental improvement in the technology. Take a light source, focus it on a disc using a lens, turn the resulting reflect/non-reflect into 1's and 0's, run that data stream through DSPs, puke out video and audio. Sure, some more DSP resources are going to be required to deal with 1080p vs 480p content, but that should be a minor change in the grand scheme of things. If I can get an upconverting player that has all of the processing to do HD output for $100, why the heck should a different laser pickup and slightly different decoding firmware be 4x that cost?As for the price of BD standalones -- wait they will come down - it might take another year or more to get to a price you might like (like $199) but don't expect to see BD players for $99 anytime soon. You can not buy a 26" LCD for $100 and they have been on the market for three years why in the world would you think you should be able to buy a BD player for $100 right now? Is it because Toshiba has been fire-sale'ng those HD-DVD standalones for the last year. Because if that is the case maybe you forgot how long it took DVD to get under $200.
New technology is not cheap nor is anyone in there right mind going to give it away. If you want a BD player with 2.0 playablility and full audio decoding for $100 then you are going to be waiting a long time. And just to set the record straight, NO upconverted DVD can even come close to a HD 1080p movie. If you think that then you definately need glases!! It is not possible - not even remotely possible -- there is not enough information in the Picture to even get close.
I'll hold out for a cheap BD player, or an xbox 360 add-on.
Voted yes, when BD players become cheaper BUT I still hate Sony. Just too Darth Vader like...."HD DVD, I am your father" Lol.
More like Darth Helmet. "I knew it we are surrounded by @$$holes, Keep Firing @$$holes."![]()