HD-DVD (only) Owners: What do you do when it's over?

If/When HD-DVD is confirmed dead, will you buy a BD player?

  • No, because I hate Sony.

    Votes: 7 7.1%
  • No, because I just like HD better and I'm mad they lost.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No - Other (please explain in thread).

    Votes: 12 12.2%
  • Yes, ASAP - just give me my HD movies!

    Votes: 8 8.2%
  • Yes, eventually - once the sting wears off.

    Votes: 3 3.1%
  • Yes, when the prices come down on BD players.

    Votes: 48 49.0%
  • Yes, when a good 2.0 player is available.

    Votes: 12 12.2%
  • Yes - other (please explain in thread).

    Votes: 8 8.2%

  • Total voters


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 14, 2007
Fishers, IN
I've been thinking about this a lot lately, and I am just flabbergasted at the people who say they will just stick with upconversion when/if HD-DVD is no longer a viable option. The Netflix announcement today seems like another indicator that we are heading in that direction, so I am curious what those of you who have only bought red thus far will do.

There may have been similar polls before, but what I'm especially interested in here are those of you who refuse to buy Blu-Ray, and what your reasoning is. I could only come up with two options for that part of the poll, so I imagine many of you will have to use the "other" option and explain in the thread...

If you recently made a decision (since the Warner announcement) to move from red to purple, feel free to answer the poll as well. If you've been blue or purple since before the announcement, feel free to take part in the discussion, but I'd ask you not to answer the question, so as to keep the results scientific. ;)
I'm red mainly because of cost. At the time, HD-DVD was affordable and I wanted to get into the HD market. I have nothing against Sony, and I will probably will go purple later on this summer. I've seen the difference between HDM and upconversion, and if any movie is out on either format, I will not be watching it as an upconvert.
I bought the 360 HD-DVD add-on and got a Netflix subscription for the sole purpose of HD-DVD rentals.

Since we are not a huge "movie buff" family, when HD-DVD dies, we will cancel our Netflix account and go back to the occasional DVD rental from the local store.

The only Blu-Ray player I would consider would be the PS3. But the extremely poor design does not allow me to play any of the 720p games on my HDTV in HD. So until Sony corrects the design flaw (unlikely) or I buy a new HDTV (unlikely anytime soon), I will sit on the sidelines.
We don't have nearly enough money to buy a BR player nor do we have the room for one in our entertainment area. I still think HD-DVD has a chance since both sides produce roughly the same amount of movies and I will continue to support them.
I'm getting the combination HDDVD/BluRay player from Samsung. I had the HD DVD add on for XBox 360, but I'm future proofing here, for whenever the XBox 3 shows up. A good standalaone unit will still work for 10 years in most cases..... I've still got a laserdisc player for the 150 laserdiscs I own (Many not available on DVD much less next def DVD)
Since we are not a huge "movie buff" family, when HD-DVD dies, we will cancel our Netflix account and go back to the occasional DVD rental from the local store.
There's an AP story out this morning that Netflix is going Blu, so the end may be nearer than you think.
I voted no to Blu as I don't see it ever settling out as a unified format. The reason I supported HD DVD was because all of the players were functionally the same from the perspective of the movie houses. Blu will always have to be looking over their shoulders at not alienating customers with features that may or may not work on someone's player due to the variety of feature sets.
I bought into HD-DVD when I bought my 50" Plasma back in November because I was looking to buy an upconverting player to replace my $25 Target special anyway. At the time Blu-ray players were $400+ and I was able to pick up a HD-DVD player for $175 from Amazon. At this point if no more content will truly be available in HD-DVD, I'm going back to standard DVD until the Blu-ray manufactures get on the ball and release 2.0 profile gear at the $100 price point.
When it ends, I'll be scooping up even more deals on movies! :) I'll also be enjoying BD on my PS3.
I keep enjoying the HD DVD movies I have and pick up good deals on the ones I can get, enjoy the upconverted DVD's, watch a lot of HD on Dish Network, wait a year or two for Blue Ray to be finalized and have all of the features I already have on my A30, and the prices drop to well under $200. No confusion here like all of the talking points on the various announcements include. It makes no sense to spend $400 or more to buy a profile 1.0 or 1.1 player. HD movies look better, I agree, but not that much better than a good upconverted standard DVD to justify that amount of money.
The only Blu-Ray player I would consider would be the PS3. But the extremely poor design does not allow me to play any of the 720p games on my HDTV in HD. So until Sony corrects the design flaw (unlikely) or I buy a new HDTV (unlikely anytime soon), I will sit on the sidelines.

I'm sure I've read this before, but I guess I don't remember.... what's the issue here?

EDIT: never mind... your TV won't accept 720p, right? Not sure how that's the PS3's fault, but ok...
I voted Yes other as I have stated before. When a full feature Blu-ray player is available for the price/Value inlcuding movies as I paid for the HD DVD Player I will consider the purchase. Till then. DOWN WITH BLU :)
I checked "Yes - other" hoping that could mean "maybe". The low price of the A2 pulled me off the fence last Nov., and "bogo" and similar deals on the HD DVDs is keeping me in camp for now. With over 500 titles already released in HD DVD and more on the way for at least the short term, it will be a long time before I run out of desirable movies to watch. When BD player prices drop then I will consider adding that capability as well, but I have made no decision yet.

In general I watch HD DVDs (and this would be the same if I had just BD) as much for the experience as because I want to see a specific movie or concert, etc. So it will likely be a while before I sense I'm missing something because I don't have BD...

PS - I have a LOT of Sony equipment including both of my HDTVs, so that is not an issue for me...
What I see here is a poll by a BluRay supporter who has some agenda. I can't figure out what would be your reason for this.

(1) Why would you post this in the War Zone rather than in the HDDVD forum?

(2) Why would you give choices containing wonderful options like "I hate Sony...", "I'm mad they lost..." and "once the sting wears off...".

You try to legitimize your poll by saying "I'm especially interested..." but that's an obviously shallow statement. Are you attempting to pat yourself on the back for choosing BluRay or something? "I'm especially interested..." in your motivations/agenda. Why don't you add an option to your poll: "After BluRay won, its supporters are acting so immature that I don't want to be drug into that - guilty by association, you know."

For the record, I bought an HDDVD player because it was cheap and I was already in the market for a simple upconverter that cost more than the HDDVD player. It is the better choice from the consumers point of view. Who in their right mind wants to pay more for something that does the same thing? BluRay did not win because consumers chose it. It won because movie studios and manufacturers chose it. And they did that because they expect more profit from BluRay than HDDVD. That's a simple fact of business. This profit will be funded by consumers.

I will possibly buy a BluRay player once the price of players and movies drops to a sane level and it can compete with DVD. HDDVD wasn't at that Utopian point either when it died, but it was closer than BluRay. I will now wait for the final outcome of HD discs in general.

Kite Runner coming to hd dvd?!

HD-A3 sells out at Wal-Mart.com

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