Waiting on Toshiba - Media Wonk - Blog on ContentAgenda.com - 1500000150
HD DVD backers at CES expressed deep frustration over Warner's move, not only because it could mean their side looses but because they still have grave doubts about Blu-ray.
"None of the facts have changed," one studio exec said. "The problems that existed [with Blu-ray] in December still exist. They didn't go away because Warner changed sides."
Among those, in the exec's view, are disc manufacturing constraints, high costs and high consumer prices.
"I think the days of falling prices are over," another studio exec said. "The hardware is going to be $300, and discs are going to be $27. We'll see if the consumer buys it."
They also don't buy Warner's stated reason for its move: a purported clear consumer preference for Blu-ray evident in sales data and consumer research from the fourth quarter.
"What consumers?" one HD DVD exec asked, sarcastically. "The numbers aren't there to show a preference."
One non-studio HD DVD backer offered a bet that, come Dec. 31, 2008, the numbers still won't be there for Blu-ray, even if Toshiba were to fold tomorrow.