I hope they have improved.
Yeah, Warner had some problems. They apparently changed processing / distributing companies in August and didn't ship for 3 weeks in Aug./early Sept, which resulted in a big backlog for processing orders. I ended canceling an order for Sept. 18 & 25 releases. But, I saw posts that orders were being shipped fairly quickly now, so a week & a half ago I decided to "test" them by pre-ordering Blade Runner & Pan's Labyrinth December releases, and threw in Viva Las Vegas to get the total over $50 for free shipping. I placed the order over the weekend and Elvis showed up on my doorstep the following Friday.
Their website it very Firefox-unfriendly. Is there some alternate link that might list their titles? I can't even see what they've got for sale.
I use Firefox, and also use the Flashblock add-in to block all the Flash advertisements unless I really want to see them by clicking the "F" icon blocking them. The link I gave was for their "high bandwidth" portal. You need to click the "Browse Titles" to navigate alphabetically by title. Here's a link the their "low bandwidth" portal, but it's still very "flash happy".
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