HD Dish Install Question

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Original poster
Sep 11, 2004
I recently had the Round Dual LNB dish upgraded to the Oval 3 LNB for HD, I am slowing upgrading to HD.

The question I had, the installer told me that as I have four lines coming out from the Dish, if I want to install a multiswitch, I would have to have a 4x8 or 5x8 switch to do so.

When asked if 2 4-Way switches would work, I was told, "No"

Can anyone tell me the answer, will 2 4-way switches work ?
No, it will not. A traditional 4 way multiswitch takes an input from both outputs of a dual LNBF and designates one as 13V and the other 18V for the purpose of receiving correct polarity for up to four tuners. As you are now using the Phase 3 dish, the only benefit of using a 4 way switch is you can add additional tuners for 101 WL.

A 4x8 or more popular 5x8 switch in this instance takes the 4 outputs from the Phase 3 dish antenna and increases the possible tuner hookups to 8. The switch has to be cascadable in order to do this, but most 5x8 switches on the market today are cascadable. The original design of a 5x8 switch allowed you to input 13 & 18V from 101 WL and 13 & 18V from 119 WL (or 119 and 110 with a SAT C kit). The 5th input on the switch is for OTA. By placing a diplexer at the tuner, you can seperate the OTA from the SAT, allowing you to use one cable.

Hope this helps.

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