HD channels with Video & Sound Problem 5/29/04

It seems like everything I want to watch is doing it. Finding Nemo, The Ring, etc. Man, the first day I have it and I have all of this HD at my fingertips, and it's unwatchable. I'm sure they'll fix it.
PBHOTHD is black screening and audio frop outs every 10 seconds. I was just checking it for information al purposes. Informational purposes, yeah . . . that's it.
Things seem better

I had to go out for a while .checked hd channels for droppouts when I returned home
seems like it has been resolved. I will keep monitoring it though.
ChetK said:
How do you know this? Can you give more info than that?

I think he is being sarcastic since it is the response we all give when PQ or problems arise. :) But it is true that they have been working on the encoder for a long time now. This is why cinema 10, monsters and epics are at 720p now. Also, the fact that they will be converting to mpeg4 or wm9 does require testing on the encoder. Whether this can be done on a separate system, I do not know.
I know I've said it in another thread, but my initial impressions of Voom are such that I hope mpeg4 or wm9 helps their compression artifacts because their current compression is visible on all HD channels (including DiscoveryHDTheater and BravoHD+). These channels should be virtually flawless.
Scubasoul said:
It's because they are updating their decoders :D
The old "decoder/encoder" excuse again-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh brother!!

How are the "upgrades" coming along Voom-Noah wants to know, he just finished his ark-LMAO
eschu97611 said:
The old "decoder/encoder" excuse again-ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh brother!!

How are the "upgrades" coming along Voom-Noah wants to know, he just finished his ark-LMAO

That's a good one. :D :D :D

Have A Few Questions Before I Order Voom

Help! Anyway to Set Wilt and Dragonldy_mom Up Here?

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