HD Channels that Havn't Been Launched

In a different thread, BFG posted this info:

HD not on Dish (Only full 24/7 Channels, not counting Network Distants or RSN HD broadcasts)

Here's What's Available Now:
Universal HD
Wealth TV
Outdoor Channel 2 HD
Cinemax HDTV East
Cinemax HDTV West
Starz HD East
Starz HD West
Showtime HD West

On Deck:
MHD - January 16, 2006
FOX HD - 2006
National Geographic HD - 2006
HGTV HD - Early 2006
Food Network HD - Early 2006
I think that we definatelly will have more HD channels on Dish by this time next year.

They have new slots coming online (129 & 61.5 looks like it will be more promenient now) and new HD STBs coming out. I don't blame dish for dragging new HD channels launches along until they could get these new sats, slots, and STBs online.
Yeah, I don't think there is any question that there will be more HD content available this time next year than there is today, the big question is, what will it be? I thought that I heard FX would be coming out in 2006. I would love to see this because of the NASCAR races.
With E* presently not providing 13 channels that are already broadcasting in HD, the odds are very good that when some of the new channels come on in 2006 that E* won't carry them either.
If E* doesn't step up and my local cable company gets their HD rolling as they've promised, Dish is gonna see one fleeing cash cow. I can't stomach going right back to D*, but if cable gives me a firewire-equipped DVR, bonus! You hear that E*...its your money to LOSE.

With the bandwidth now available to them on the new birds (i.e. the now approved Rainbow), all they have is lack of will/excuses. Voom had many of those listed channels up and running on that sat, no reason save not wanting to that E* doesn't do the same and soon.
I would be reasonably happy to have HD versions of all the major networks:

I do have CBS in HD right now and enjoy it very much! Why they can supply locals in SD and not HD is a mystery to me.
I am sure many of us would be much happier with having the above networks in HD, rather than "unique" Voom content. I only switch to Voom because it is HD--really have little interest in the programs. :rolleyes:
rdinkel said:
I am sure many of us would be much happier with having the above networks in HD, rather than "unique" Voom content. I only switch to Voom because it is HD--really have little interest in the programs. :rolleyes:

I agree. Voom is ok but I'd trade all the current Voom channels for the remaining HD networks.
waltinvt said:
I agree. Voom is ok but I'd trade all the current Voom channels for the remaining HD networks.

If you don't live in an O&O market or a digital white area, an HD (national) network does you no good.

I have one HD network I can receive, FOX. So the remaining networks do me no good and FOX is my strongest OTA affiliate. The one I could benefit from the most (CBS) due to being the weakest signal I can't get.

It's not that I think that HD networks are a bad thing, it's that I wish that access to them weren't as difficult as they are. Give me SD locals and HD nationals on the dish please. I think that's a reasonable compromise.

John Kotches said:
If you don't live in an O&O market or a digital white area, an HD (national) network does you no good.

I live in East/central Vt and currently Dish provides me the East coast CBS-HD and the other 3 east coast nets in SD. I don't know if I get them because of waivers or I'm grandfathered or what but I know I can't get them OTA in digital, so I guess I'm in a white area. I did have to give up my Dish LiLs a while back in order to keep my analog dns.

Anyway, I'm hoping all that means they'll automatically replace the SD DNS with the HD versions if / when they become available.

John Kotches said:
I have one HD network I can receive, FOX. So the remaining networks do me no good and FOX is my strongest OTA affiliate. The one I could benefit from the most (CBS) due to being the weakest signal I can't get.

I'm not understanding what you're saying. If all you get is a digital Fox OTA, why wouldn't the remaining digital DNS do you any good?
John Kotches said:
If you don't live in an O&O market or a digital white area, an HD (national) network does you no good.

I have one HD network I can receive, FOX. So the remaining networks do me no good and FOX is my strongest OTA affiliate. The one I could benefit from the most (CBS) due to being the weakest signal I can't get.

It's not that I think that HD networks are a bad thing, it's that I wish that access to them weren't as difficult as they are. Give me SD locals and HD nationals on the dish please. I think that's a reasonable compromise.


The thing is for people like me who would like ABC HD network fat chance of getting it because I like close enough even though the jerks use a VHF signal. I'm happy because this Sunday I'll actually be able to WATCH "Grey's Anatomy" in HD because it will be on ABC's sister UPN station around here. I also hate both the local ABC and CBS affliates because NONE of them run the national late shows at the right time, the only exception with CBS being Letterman, instead of "The Late Late Show" after that they rerun junk like "Access Hollywood".
Also I have to be honest with Fox OTA and say I'm NOT impressed. Am I the only one who thinks the picture is ok? Maybe it's because it's presented by DirecTV so you're getting a compressed HD feed like the consumers of DirecTV are getting.
What else? HGTV HD, Food Network HD. Both of these I could care less about and consider a waste. Sorry to sound like an ass but I don't see it benefitting from the whole package while with MBC HD and MHD you get 5.1 and HD. Honestly I'd be happy to get INHD, INHD2, FX-HD, MBC-HD, TCM-HD and one of each of the movie channel feeds in HD. I have to say IFC HD would be nice too but slow chance of that though it could easily be done, COUGHRainbowCOUGH. How would ya'll feel if after Dish adds the rest of the VOOM channels they separately add different VOOM channels to 129 and 61.5. Also with VOOM I HONESTLY don't understand why they don't bother partnering with some other foreign companies that already have HD content, Japan and Korea come to mind. I'm sure some people here who like HD won't mind if the content is different as long as it's good, heck IFC has THRIVED.
I'm not understanding what you're saying. If all you get is a digital Fox OTA, why wouldn't the remaining digital DNS do you any good?

I get all of the locals in HD via OTA. My CBS affiliate is the weakest, hence I would benefit the most receiving it via Satellite. The local Fox station is O&O by the network, so I could get that from the satellite, but it's also my strongest reception, so I benefit the least by receiving it via satellite.

Perhaps I wasn't as clear as I needed to be.


Pocket Dish and AV500

FOXP2 gone on 11/30

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