HD Channel List: Dish Network vs DirectTV

Please advise when you actually see some real HD content on the new so called HD, kinda like Speed, no HD until February 08 ? Dish does need to step up to the plate, but again just because the marketing folks say HD, doesn't make it HD !!!
Thanks for the info, before I move it, I will try the H10 Remote on it(did thye do away with the anntena on the back like the H10 and Dish receivers have?)...as I really would like to keep it in the Livingroom. I need to hook up my HD DVD A2 in the Livingroom also to have a neutral ground in comparing the 2... In the Ht room my D1 wins hands down...
Some D* STB's that can do RF remotes have the external antenna connection, some don't. If the remote is one of the newer 'white' remotes with the FCC ID sticker on the back then it should work, just go through the remote setup menu and follow the instructions with the receiver ID that you need to enter in the remote.
Some D* STB's that can do RF remotes have the external antenna connection, some don't. If the remote is one of the newer 'white' remotes with the FCC ID sticker on the back then it should work, just go through the remote setup menu and follow the instructions with the receiver ID that you need to enter in the remote.
A big Homer Simspon Doh! on that, I have that remote... going into menu now, Thanks! :)
UPDATES 11-15-2007:
Added CMT, Nickelodeon East, MTV, Spike, VH1 and FSN Cincinatti for D*
Fixed NHL-HD and some RSNs for D*
After spending much of the day watching on both my Crt and Dlp... Wow... DirecTvHD never looked this good to me...MHD PQ pretty much the same... Mpeg 2 HD from Direct not as good as Dish, but the Mpeg 4 rocks... FX, SciFi and USA when showing actual HD look very good Imho...
After spending much of the day watching on both my Crt and Dlp... Wow... DirecTvHD never looked this good to me...MHD PQ pretty much the same... Mpeg 2 HD from Direct not as good as Dish, but the Mpeg 4 rocks... FX, SciFi and USA when showing actual HD look very good Imho...
I agree with that,MPEG-2 better on E*.
Just a quick note. NESN is listed with D* as an upconvert channel. I am not sure what your criteria for that is, but All their Sox and Bruins games are in true HD. Also all their news/ original programming is in true HD. There are some shows in up convert like clasic Sox games (played before HD existed) and "Paid Programming" in the middle of the night, NESN may not be 100% true HD, but it is probably 80%+

If your criteria for a non upconvert station is ALL shows ALL the time then it is upconvert along will everything but VOOM and HDNet.

Also to those saying don't count stations like sciFi because has so little HD content remember this: they will only add HD content when someone can see HD content. So Directv adding Scifi with "only 2 seconds" of HD content is like most of us buying a HD TV when there was nothing in HD to watch. We bought it knowing that eventually there would be more. Directv has added some stations with little HD knowing that there will be more content over time. If all the providers wait until all these stations are 24/7 HD we may not get them for years. As is I will take my half full cup and be happy.
Just a quick note. NESN is listed with D* as an upconvert channel. I am not sure what your criteria for that is, but All their Sox and Bruins games are in true HD. Also all their news/ original programming is in true HD. There are some shows in up convert like clasic Sox games (played before HD existed) and "Paid Programming" in the middle of the night, NESN may not be 100% true HD, but it is probably 80%+

If your criteria for a non upconvert station is ALL shows ALL the time then it is upconvert along will everything but VOOM and HDNet.

Also to those saying don't count stations like sciFi because has so little HD content remember this: they will only add HD content when someone can see HD content. So Directv adding Scifi with "only 2 seconds" of HD content is like most of us buying a HD TV when there was nothing in HD to watch. We bought it knowing that eventually there would be more. Directv has added some stations with little HD knowing that there will be more content over time. If all the providers wait until all these stations are 24/7 HD we may not get them for years. As is I will take my half full cup and be happy.

I was wondering the same thing, that 'fergie' chart certainly looks excellent but then I noticed things listed as 'upconvert' that I've watched HD on, so I too was wondering what the definition of 'upconvert' was.

I would think it would be those channels that simply either zoom or stretch their picture and show absolutely no true HD programming.

That I think might show who the true HD leader is at any point in time. And I don't know enough about which channels might fall into which category right now to say who that is.
Why the blue for upconverted SD programming on channels like 248 and 244, which do some some true HD while channels like TLC or History Channel aren't when they aren't 24x7 HD and show some upconverted SD? I do agree with the blue for something like Speed which hasn't shown any HD. Just not seeing the logic why some are blue and some aren't.
Some corrections dfergie:

You have MGM HD listed as no HD spotted. Everything on MGM-HD is HD. I haven't spotted any HD programming on Cartoon Network so you could turn that dark blue. Also, I would make Bravo HD dark blue as well as I haven't seen any HD on it either. Your list is missing VH1-HD, CMT HD, MTV HD, Spike TV HD, Nickelodeon HD but I would color them dark blue as I haven't seen any HD on them either.
This is a great list, dfergie. Thanks for maintaining it. Makes it easy to see what I'm missing by staying with E*..... which is.... nothing. I look at the "not available" on E* that D* has and I go... "hmmm.... I don't watch those and wouldn't even if they were available. I spotted 2 that I thought looked like I wanted them, but they are upconverts on D* so like.... who cares.

Makes it a lot easier to sit tight


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