Some corrections/updates:
Shorts is on channel 375 and has HD content including HD 4x3 programs. I have not seen any SD content on it yet but I am sure there is some. I think it belongs in "movies". They are short movies, but movies non-the-less. But that is up to the editor.
NATGeo Wild, History International, Style and HLN all have HD programming I have personally seen. I have not seen SD programs on HLN yet, but "may not be full time" is a good fit for those.
BET Jazz is now called Centric. Still no HD programs I have seen, though I really do not spend any time there.
TCM HD has had no HD any time I have watched it over the last 24 hours. This includes the interstitials and introductions. NO HD yet is a good fit for this channel right now.
Channel numbers for PPV HD on Dish changed to 502-515(?) Not sure where they end now. Same number of PPV HD channels, just moved to the head of the class.