HD Channel List: Dish Network vs DirectTV

The Direct TV Food & HGTV channels are what was on the original list posed in this forum.
I do not have Direct TV. Perhaps you can supply the channel numbers so I can make the change.

I came to this thread looking for the comparison spread sheet but it looks like the ones in the first post haven't been updated since December 2007. Do you need to go through the whole thread to find the most recent one? (Not trying to be a smarta$$, just askin' so I know how this works)

here you go

Totals Summary ------Dish Direct
Regular ----------------31 31
News -------------------4 4
Movies -----------------11 13
Sports (inc regional) ----36 43
Grand Total ------------82 91

Total on E* Not on D* 23
Total on D* Not on E* 28

Not I have changed the TWC as LER pointed out too.


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here's a screen cap for those without excel


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To this version of the spread sheet I have a couple of corrections. D* has Sportstime Ohio on a game only basis. Also, Toon Disney HD has shown HD and should be taken off the No HD shown yet list.

If I knew what D* was referring to (Dish or Direct) I would make the changes.
Here is my version of an updated Dish & Direct TV HD programs.
This is a Google Doc's site:
Google Docs - dish-direct-comcast hd comparrison 4-26-08
I have also added Comcast for San Mateo Ca. for additional comparison.
This list is based on the one listed here but with a few changes.

I added the new Dish HD channels listed to be added today as well as a few of the corrections.

I also updated the Direct TV listing as best I could.
Please let me know if there are more changes.
Toon Disney

I found a mistake.

Toon Disney is available from Dish Network in HD channel 174. According to your list Toon Disney (TDISHD) is not available from Dish. Toon HD is channel 176 not 174.
