HD AM Radio spectra


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
May 12, 2012
Central NJ
Was cruising the AM band tonight and found WOR - AM from New York City on 710 KHz, with their HD signal, you can see the lower and upper digital sidebands on the waterfall and the spectrum.


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So is there any way to tune these AM or FM broadcast "HD Radio" channels without buying a licensed radio?

It is such a disgrace that the broadcast formats that the US repeatedly selects are not a open worldwide standards and we must use proprietary and licensed technologies to watch and listen to the "public" broadcasts! :(
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I think you have to buy one of those radios than can receive HD radio. For my part, just give me old fashioned AM with it's accompanying noise and not true fidelity, I leave that for the FM band.
I think it speaks volumes about the popularity of HD Radio that nobody has bothered to crack it yet. I don't know how they're even staying in business.
Yes, an interesting show tonight. Would be interesting, using an SDR, to look at the AM band and see how many stations are HD. Wonder if the HD signal in any way is affected by distance, let's day with an AM dx station received from several hundred miles away. Time to fire up the dongle radio and check out distant HD AM stations.
Ken is a very knowledgeable guy, glad you invited him on the show. Hope to see him again. Thanks for a really great show fellas.
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