HD Absolute VS. Turbo HD

In doing some additional research, my current theory is that you can still subscribe to AT packages and have $10 TurboHD channels added. However, you can't subscribe to the HD-only turbo packages. I came up with that theory by looking at this page:

DISH Network -- Dish HD

Don't know if I"m right or not though.
This is what it looks like to me as far as the differences. The HD Absolute has Universal HD and HD Net Movies where as the new TURBO HD doesn't have those two channels instead if you want those two you get them and a couple others thrown in for $10 extra a month. So the price was $29.99 now I believe just $24.99 but you lose those channels and to get them back you will be paying $34.99. Looks like just another way to milk the money out of you when you think you are getting a deal. Whats the most upsetting is when I called to order the 31 of July they were having trouble with my card and so they called back the next day to get my card info to setup install and everything and I they informed that HD Absolute was no longer a package and that the Turbo HD was comparable. After looking at the site and noticing the difference I think comparable is not entirely accurate.
You are wrong. Please read this entire thread before posting.
It has been stated in the past few days that retailers got information stating that ANY change involving an account with HD Absolute will automatically un-grandfather HD Absolute. When Scott was asked if this were true, he verified this in post #11, if you would look.

If you have proof to what you are saying please show us, as I for one, would like you to be correct.

How's that CROW taste Mr Yas96? :hungry:
My question is:
Can I get TurboHD Bronze package and locals with 2 tuner DVR if I'm already a customer. I have like Family Package and HD addon with the DVR.
Can I call and order TurboHD Bronze and locals or will they not let me do that?
I thought the minimum pack was either an HD only pack or Americas top 100 when you have HD equipment. How do you have the Family pack and HD?

You're right. I called and requested that back in July and thought it was taken care of because they didn't say I couldn't do it. But I was just looking at my bill and noticed that they never did it and I called and the guy said he sees when I made the change but the reason why they didn't do it was because I have to at least have America's top 100. Stupid person should have told me that when I was changing it. The way I figured it out was because my friend wants to get Dish and he was asking me about packages and I was looking at the family package and noticed it had Nickelodeon games channel and I didn't get that so I called them and then they told me you can't have fam and hd at the same time.
But are you allowed to just have HD Bronze package by itself with locals?
For Excisting customers I thought there was no HD only pack yet ,Unless you were grandfathered to HD absolute pack.
What I thought the packs were for Excisting HD customers were as follows, With $10 HD pack
HD Bronze "Top 100"
HD Silver "Top 200"
HD Gold "Top 250"
HD Platinum $10 Added to anyone above.
But are you allowed to just have HD Bronze package by itself with locals?
Being an Excisting customer , No Top 100 is HD bronze if you have HD equipment and your an excisting customer. Even if you dropped you HD you still can't go lower then the top 100 pack. You used to be able to go down to HD absolute, But the HD only Turbo pack ,from what I understand are for New customers only right now.
Being an Excisting customer , No Top 100 is HD bronze if you have HD equipment and your an excisting customer. Even if you dropped you HD you still can't go lower then the top 100 pack. You used to be able to go down to HD absolute, But the HD only Turbo pack ,from what I understand are for New customers only right now.

That's right. I just called DISH and I have been told that only starting Feb 1st 2009 existing customers will be able to downgrade to TurboHD without any Top America package.

That sucks. I pay too much for SD channels I barely watch.

HD channels and Locals in HD are enough for me.

Watching a recording getting interrupted by signal loss.

Will DISH follow Directv

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