HD Absolute VS. Turbo HD

I never said Dish was not successful......I said they were losing subscribers....which is factual.
(F)Actually at this point, Dish is just not gaining subscribers at the same pace they have been previously. To my knowledge, Dish has never reported a net loss of customers for a given quarter. But I guess we'll see next week, when they hold they hold their 2Q earnings call...
(F)Actually at this point, Dish is just not gaining subscribers at the same pace they have been previously. To my knowledge, Dish has never reported a net loss of customers for a given quarter. But I guess we'll see next week, when they hold they hold their 2Q earnings call...

You are correct! However, when your new subsriber rate falls 89% from the same quarter last year.....while your top competitor(Direct TV) enjoys a 17% increase....I would define that as losing subscribers. I am loyal to Dish Network and want them to be successful, but the current trend is a little less then positive.
You are correct! However, when your new subsriber rate falls 89% from the same quarter last year.....while your top competitor(Direct TV) enjoys a 17% increase....I would define that as losing subscribers. I am loyal to Dish Network and want them to be successful, but the current trend is a little less then positive.

The TurboHD packages are addressing this, it is offering a special deal for NEW subscribers. Not sure how this policy affects NEW subscribers.
You are correct! However, when your new subsriber rate falls 89% from the same quarter last year.....while your top competitor(Direct TV) enjoys a 17% increase....I would define that as losing subscribers. I am loyal to Dish Network and want them to be successful, but the current trend is a little less then positive.

89%...............W O W.......better call my stock broker. At that rate the stock is probably under priced and it's a good time to BUY? :):):)
Well, I just canceled my Cinemax as a precautionary measure. I was going to cancel next month anyway, as the movies were getting stale (and I don't get penny Cinemax as up to recently I was an AT&T Customer). The CSR knew that I wouldn't be grandfathered if I changed later, but still could not tell me what we were going to be moved to if we did make a change.
any confirmation on this rumor that if we change anything on dish ultimate later on after it is grandfathered - such as adding ala carte channels - if that will remove us from grandfather status?

(03) Sabrina S: Thank you for choosing Dish Network the leader in HD and DVR. I will be happy to assist you today. Please give me 2-3 minutes to access your account and review the information you have already provided.
(03) Sabrina S: Thank you for your patience.
(03) Sabrina S: Your new monthly rate will be $56.95 + taxes. Your next bill will be slightly different than this rate because we charge from the date you make a change plus a one time $5 transaction fee for downgrading your service.
(03) Sabrina S: I have changed your basic programming to HD Absolute.
(03) Sabrina S: It will be effective in 10 minutes.
John Pasicznyk: can i also have HBO and starz added as well?
(03) Sabrina S: Sure, I will add it.
John Pasicznyk: Thank you
(03) Sabrina S: You're very welcome.
(03) Sabrina S: The monthly rate is $76.95 + taxes.
John Pasicznyk: okay great
(03) Sabrina S: I have added HBO and Starz.
John Pasicznyk: perfect
(03) Sabrina S: Have I handled everything to your satisfaction today?
John Pasicznyk: do you know of what will happen in the future if i wish to add or remove an additional premium package?
John Pasicznyk: will i lose my package of HD absolute?
(03) Sabrina S: Yes, you can remove , you will not lose HD Absolute.
John Pasicznyk: that is great
John Pasicznyk: and add as well?
(03) Sabrina S: Yes.
(03) Sabrina S: Is there anything else I can assist you with?
John Pasicznyk: very good
John Pasicznyk: no thank you you have taken care of everything
(03) Sabrina S: Thank you for using Dish Network Live Chat, have a great night. I will now be ending this chat session.
(03) Sabrina S: Bye!

At least according to Sabrina S, you can add or remove at your will. Who knows though.
Speaking of being grandfathered into HD Absolute, if one does make a change that "cancels" this package option, what do you get switched to ?
Speaking of being grandfathered into HD Absolute, if one does make a change that "cancels" this package option, what do you get switched to ?
The Welcome pac since Dish knows we're to cheap/poor to sub to anything else :rolleyes:

Talon Dancer
This is pretty standard procedure.... "New" customers have always gotten the more enticing or better deals. Hell, people quit and sign in under their spouse's name or add an apt # to their address in order to get "New customer promotions". Besides, indications are that the "turbo" packages will become available to current subscribers in six months. That's better than never.

What puzzles me, if Dish would make more $$$$ NOW allowing currents to upgrade to Turbo why wouldn't they.
I'll guess that you are saying that Dish is not extending the new "Turbo" packages to existing customers because many would drop the "SD" packages for the lower cost all HD packages if they could avoid losing access to their RSN/sports package.....you may be right! However, at a time when Dish is losing subscribers, you would think more effort would be made to retain existing customers.....who don't require another initial investment of costly equipment.....But who am I to question their stellar business strategy?

This wouldn't explain why a current Absolute who doesn't have an SD Package cannot upgrade to Turbo?
Speaking of being grandfathered into HD Absolute, if one does make a change that "cancels" this package option, what do you get switched to ?

Does anyone know the answer to this? I have HD Absolute and am wanting to bump back up to one of the AT packages. What HD add-on can I get since the TurboHD packages apparently aren't available.
It appears Dish is really confused.... Look here, DISH Network -- Offers, found by going to Dish's website, then Support, and then "Existing customer offers". Maybe I'm the one confused... I've no idea what the hell "Turbo HD" is supposed to mean now !

Watching a recording getting interrupted by signal loss.

Will DISH follow Directv

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