I don't care who did the pulling of the networks first. I'm not leaving Dish for DiWreckTV. I'm not giving AT&T my money, plain and simple. I cancelled their long distance service 5 months ago. They keep sending me a statement that I have a 2-cent credit coming to me! I wonder how much it's cost them to print the statement and mail it to me for the past 4+ months telling me they owe me 2 cents that I'll never, ever see? Not that I care about the 2-cents, but really, mailing the same statement month after month is just absurd.
Back to my point: if HBO/Cinemax never come back to Dish, I can live with that.
What I have done as it is inexpensive to do if you have high speed, is to have the best of both Worlds, streaming on the Fire TV/Roku and have Dish. If Dish loses a channel, Often I can pick it up elsewhere with ease. No installer, extra cable drop or dish antenna. With HBO on streaming, I can add or drop it at any time with no fees.