Have experience with the ANDREWS DirecTV dish?

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New Member
Original poster
Aug 2, 2006
Eastern portion of MA
Hi Everyone, I'm a newbie to this group.

I'm hoping to find someone, especially a professional independent DirecTV installer, who may have had experience alingning the ANDREWS version of the regular DirecTV 5-LNB multi-sat dish. Apparently from what I have experienced, this dish is a little weak on the 103 degree satellite for HD locals in Massachusetts.

Since this is apparenly an aftermarket piece and normally used by third party national installing teams, I have never seen one before. It lacks an adjustment tilt for one of the LNBs which I believe is the reasoning, if not the different manufacured LNBs, why it seems to lack the performance.

If you are a professional experiencing this or a consumer who has apparently the same problem in reception, I'd like to hear about it!
huh, the Andrews POS works just like Cali Amp, and WNC. The LNB setting are under the mount for the 110/119 bracket. That has nothing to do with the 103 being weak. The Andrews is also weighs in at a few pounds more than the other 2.
That's true! However, the ANDREWS slides their LNB group on a bracket. The standard DirecTV dish actaully pivots a bit. The LNB manufacturers are different. The reflector is the same and the ANDREWS mount is actually beefier. That being said, it makes no sense unless this particular customer is a little south of the MA footprint. He's just next to the boarder of CT and RI.
the_tech_guy said:
The standard DirecTV dish actaully pivots a bit. The LNB manufacturers are different.

There isn't a standard D* dish, just a design that manufacturers have to use a guideline.
the_tech_guy said:
If you are a professional experiencing this or a consumer who has apparently the same problem in reception, I'd like to hear about it!

I compared the performance of .75 m elliptical Andrew 3 LNB dish to a WNC 20" x 18" DirecTV 3 LNB dish. Like you, I was hoping for a stonger signal. I used an Applied Instruments meter and compared Eb/NO readings on both antennas. Eb/NO is a ture measure of of the ability to decode a digital signal. EB/NO takes into acccount antenna gain, LNB performance, crosspol discrimination, and antenna sidelobe levels into a single measurement. The readings between the two antenna were almost identical, even though the Andrew reflector was larger.
K, i put in a few andrews, in fact that's what we're using now. i have had 3 of them with Bad 99,101,103 LNBS, i'm sure you've already tried changing the LNB, but in case you haven't. give it a shot
I did a self install on mine, went up / works fine - still a good signal after a couple major storms.
Thanks, Guys! I guess what I should say regarding a "standard dish" was the WNC that is typically sold and distributed to independent installers. This problem sounds like it could be a few things... that being close to the foot print and that possibly a bad LNB. The customer is too far away and I don't stock their stuff. DirecTV is not about to pay for that call and the customer won't! I also use an Applied Instruments 9520 meter that is up to-date as well. The 103 Ka bird was actually peaked to be sure there was no slop. The meter reads peaked on 101, 103, 110, and 119. Also, the customer has told me the national installers already replaced this dish once and the IRD twice! He would have opted for a larger commercial version but none are avaialble. He gets everything just fine except the HD locals in MA off the 103 satellite. It gets so critical as I expect the signal is at the threashold of the IRD while going through a Zinwell 6x8 switch. He has good coax, good connections, and no long runs. He's just left with some pixilation on those HD channels.
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D* Tech, Chicago market.
I hate Andrews. Talked to some of my fellow techs who work closer to the city than I, some of them will go through 2 or 3 on ONE JOB!
I think Andrews had problems with elevation mechanism but its easily fixed if you push a black pin behind the elevation bolt on the left side.
calopolus said:
D* Tech, Chicago market.
I hate Andrews. Talked to some of my fellow techs who work closer to the city than I, some of them will go through 2 or 3 on ONE JOB!

So how many can you fit in a van?
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