Has any news leaked about the future MPEG4 recievers?


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Sep 7, 2003
Has any news leaked out about the future MPEG4 recievers?

They must be working on it. Is it going to be 811 & 942 with MPEG4 chipset?
Or, we will have a dual OTA tuner DVR.

Just trying to get something to dream of for the coming year :)

I bet they use the same piece of sheet metal as the 811 and 6000 to house a successor to the 811. MPEG4 DVR will lag WAY behind the tuner only box.
Yes I believe the MPEG4 recievers will be based off of the 942. It would not surprise me to see the 942 be their base receiver model soon. Who knows maybe soon there won't even be a non DVR dish network receiver. :)

BTW I should note I have received a 942. :)

Because of the move and the massive hours I am putting it, I do not expect to play with it until at least Tuesday.
Scott Greczkowski said:
knows maybe soon there won't even be a non DVR dish network receiver. :)

BTW I should note I have received a 942. :)

Because of the move and the massive hours I am putting it, I do not expect to play with it until at least Tuesday.

You sir, are not a true satelliteguy. That thing would have priority in my life. :rolleyes:
Scott Greczkowski said:
BTW I should note I have received a 942. :)

Because of the move and the massive hours I am putting it, I do not expect to play with it until at least Tuesday.
Scott, even though I barely have enough time to type this, let me be the first to volunteer to take this burden off your hands... It's the least I can do to repay you for providing this great site!

(or did that last bit just sound like a**kissing?)
That 921 fiasco left them way behind. It's bad that Dish is always trying to catch up instead of designing the next super HD gadget that everyone is waiting for.

And, why do they have to do it themselves to begin with? They should just outsource the damn thing to somebody who already knows how to make HD PVRs.

The 942 isn't compatible with mpeg4 right now, but will be via sw upgrade when its availabe. all receivers released after the 942 will be mpeg4 compatible, with exception of 625, not sure yet. only way to get mpeg4 is w/ new hardware in future. mpeg4 will be used sometime soon.
The 942 is NOT software upgradeable to MPEG4.

I have personally confirmed this with Mark Jackson who is the President of Echostar Technologies. And also with the man Charlie Ergen himself.
markusian said:
They must be working on it. Is it going to be 811 & 942 with MPEG4 chipset?
Or, we will have a dual OTA tuner DVR.

Just trying to get something to dream of for the coming year :)


IMO I doubt we will ever see a dual OTA tuner from Dish. I also wonder how long we will have a single OTA tuner in Dish's receivers. Charlie would rather charge us $9.99 a month to get Local HD via sat than give it to us free. :mad:
nuts4scuba said:
IMO I doubt we will ever see a dual OTA tuner from Dish. I also wonder how long we will have a single OTA tuner in Dish's receivers. Charlie would rather charge us $9.99 a month to get Local HD via sat than give it to us free. :mad:

I've already made up my mind that if Charlie Err-gen does not offer a duel OTA tuner w/DVR when the upgrade to MPEG4 is made in coming months/years, that I will leave Dish Network forever.

I live in a fringe TV reception area BUT I do recieve strong enough digital signals from two separate TV markets AND I upgraded to a rotor on my antenna last year.

So really, I will NEVER agree to take local channels from my satellite provider. My Winegard antenna does the job for me in my region. :usa
aphiohokie said:
i doubt that, and you are mistaken. the 942 is upgradable with software. just wait and you'll see.
Sorry, man. I think you're a bit clueless about how this technology works.

Nice dream, but ain't gonna happen.
my source of information is that i work for echostar, and that's not just as an installer or csr. if you'd prefer not to believe me it's your choice. i certainly won't force anything on you. but you'll feel silly when you find out that you're wrong.
aphiohokie said:
my source of information is that i work for echostar, and that's not just as an installer or csr. if you'd prefer not to believe me it's your choice. i certainly won't force anything on you. but you'll feel silly when you find out that you're wrong.
Ah! You must be one of the guys that (don't) test refurbs.

Or maybe you took the bait that CE leaves to find out who's leaking information.

One thing for sure, I don't trust a newbie to have right information - especially when it directly and completely contradicts everything that all the other KNOWN insiders have said.

Hmm. Actually, IIRC, I can go one better than that. Didn't E* outright state that the 942 is not upgradable on the last Tech Chat?
Maybe i'm a bit out of it but wouldn't the 942 need a processor capable of not only running it but enough power to decode mpeg4 on the fly to be upgraded through software? I thought dish used mpeg decoder chips anyways?
To my knowledge and the specs I have seen; the processor is fine, it can process the information for mpeg 2 and 4. The problem is the 921s and 942s are either using a PCI slot or slow AGP which won't allow for the retransmission of the information from the processor out to the tv. No sort of software will solve this as it is a problem hardware end which is why all the current recievers will need to be replaced.

should I exchange my 6000 for 811?

Voom + Locals I'm confused?
