When my wife finishes her meal I will go down and check a few more channels. The ones I can confirm are Rave, Ultra and Monsters about 50 min ago.
On another note:
I did a comparison btn VOOM and Dish this Wed nite watching ESPN HD basketball. NEC 110 LC on 84 inch wide Stewart screen with perfect light control. I could watch one provider then switch and see a repeat of 3 seconds of the prior. Extron switcher. The VOOM component output went into a Lumagen HDP and then into the Extron with RGB BNCs. The Dish went straight RGB BNCs into the Extron. One set of BNCs from Extron to the PJ. Sure, the VOOM signal had to pass thru an extra stage (unprocessed 1080i thru the Lumagen), but the differences were minimal. I would only comment on resolution/artifact issues since the Lumi does improve the VOOM signal with color, contrast, brightness etc adjustments. The Lumi has the sharpness turned way down. The brightness is not cranked up on the Lumi and is close in adjustment to the input from a Denon DVD player. That brightness set to see detail in the blacks in Fifth Element. Because of the Lumi, the VOOM picture was nicer.
However, the Dish signal wins buy a hair on resolution/artifact considerations. Dish had a small amount more fine detail available and in place VOOM had a bit more noise. Noise would be small speckles, blurring and inability to resolve the detail. I particularily concentrated on the center floor team graphics from the above camera view.
This took me about 10 minutes to conclude and if I could not do a three second A/B I could not have drawn any conclusions. I was not moved by the differences and would not make a decision regarding VOOM vs Dish based on what I discovered. If I had VOOM in one room on a display and Dish in another room on the equal display I would be stumped to see a difference in resolution.
Granted, this was a small and limited comparison and the Lumi and its settings may have disadvantaged the VOOM. Dish was as pure as I can run a signal. The Lumi is a great unit tho.
The above comparison turned up no breakup or pixels on either providers signal.
Snapshot in time.