Harmonic Encoder Improvements? (Feedback Need it)

Watching Playboy HD last night and was very disappointed. Long shots are fine, but when the camera zooms in on something and you basically have most of what is on the screen moving, the picture quality degrades to something almost unwatchable. It was never like this before the new encoders.
How about posting a poll on the opinion of the new encoders so far? If I knew how to do it. I would write and post it myself.
SteveC44312 said:
Watching Playboy HD last night and was very disappointed. Long shots are fine, but when the camera zooms in on something and you basically have most of what is on the screen moving, the picture quality degrades to something almost unwatchable. It was never like this before the new encoders.

Yep I noticed the exact same thing. Most of the other HD channels were greatly improved last night but Playboy HD was terrible.
Tried watching a bit of the NBA game on TNTHD last night...same thing, wide shots with less motion, o.k., but cut to close-ups with running players and pixelization/mosaic city. Yikes. Hope this is VERY temporary.
When I got home last night, I watched a little bit of Wealth HD. You could see the artifacting when movement picked up, other than that the picture quality was OK. I also saw the same artifacting on HDNEWS during the sports update on baseball provided by INHD. When the ball was hit up into the air around the lights, the artifacting became crazy.
shanewalker said:
Tried watching a bit of the NBA game on TNTHD last night...same thing, wide shots with less motion, o.k., but cut to close-ups with running players and pixelization/mosaic city. Yikes. Hope this is VERY temporary.

Me too, they are still over-compressing stuff.
I watched the NBA games last night on TNT-HD and I have to say that it was much better than last Thursday. In fact I only saw pixelation a few times during high-speed action (last week it was every time). However, I still noticed some weird artifacts when the cameras do close-ups ("clay" faces).
Having it both ways...possible?

voombot said:
PQ is really not an issue right now and voom knows it! I say let the PQ be crap in the interm. when voom started the PQ was great and month later crap for a few days but they always fixed it. We all know the PQ is going to be sub par before moving to MPEG4, and voom knows it!!

i will live with a bad picture for as long as voom needs it bad. They have superior technology and are fully aware of the discerning eyes of its 50k subs.

I think most of us understand what Voom's trying to do: 1) survive, 2) flourish. I also think most folks who are spending money on subscription fees also expect to get high quality service as the norm, not the exception, no matter what the business strategy at the time. There has to be some compromise, to be sure, especially when "big things are afoot," but I don't relish the thought of a consistent sub-par PQ across numerous channels as the months tick by and things are constantly in a state of 'moving forward.' In short, most of the working the kinks out should be done behind the scenes, don't you think?
Tonight I wanted to record The Blue Angels and the next 2 shows about the war on DiscoveryHD and when I flipped it on, the PQ was terrible so I switched my recordings to Dish, much better.
Not to be a complainer but.. Picture quality has gone from increadible to terrible on my BenQ Projector.. Makes me feel like i wasted the $4000 on it.

Dude you don't know how right you are. I just paid $3500 for my new Mitsubishi DLP and I keep finding myself adjusting the color and everything else I can find to fix my picture. I thought it was my projector. I'm so glad to know its not my projector, cause my wife would kill me. Spending all that money just to watch tv, women just don't underdstand. What's up with the white dot on my screen??
Somehow I doubt they are really tweaking it - I think that's what they want us to think.

Every one is worried if Voom will stay in business past April 1st - I'm wondering if I can tolerate this horrid picture until then.
ToUgHsPot said:
What's up with the white dot on my screen??

Since you have a DLP, you have one or more mirrors that are stuck. Turning off the set for a few minutes usually helps. If it is still there, I would call for service.

I am glad someone mentioned the Blue Angels show from Discovery HD last night. I have seen it many times and always was wowed by the way the PQ looked. Not last night. It was soft and lacked crispness it once had. Toughspot...I know what it is like to fuss with the controls trying to bring the PQ back to what you once had or expected. I am that fussy too.

Mail me if you want to talk more.
You know, to me I'm not seeing as much artifacting so much as the whole picture just looks really soft. Somewhat like when your watching an SD channel. (on a very large screen). I remember when I first got the projector watching "The Last Samurai" in HD on voom and being blown away. That alone justified the investment. Flipped it on last night and it looked somewhere between a great SD channel and HDlite .. What could be causing this softness? It really doesnt look like compression to me, unless they're using something to smooth out the pixelation.

cheers guys.

gutter said:
Since you have a DLP, you have one or more mirrors that are stuck. Turning off the set for a few minutes usually helps. If it is still there, I would call for service.

I am glad someone mentioned the Blue Angels show from Discovery HD last night. I have seen it many times and always was wowed by the way the PQ looked. Not last night. It was soft and lacked crispness it once had. Toughspot...I know what it is like to fuss with the controls trying to bring the PQ back to what you once had or expected. I am that fussy too.

Mail me if you want to talk more.

The white dot thing is a known Voom receiver thing. You just have to press the Voom button and then exit. Sometimes you have to shut the Voom receiver off.

I have a rear project Mitsubishi and I get the white dot thing once a day. Most of the time Voom button and exit makes it vanish.
DarrellP said:
Tonight I wanted to record The Blue Angels and the next 2 shows about the war on DiscoveryHD and when I flipped it on, the PQ was terrible so I switched my recordings to Dish, much better.

Hmmm, I watched the Blue Angels last night and it had incredible PQ. Matter of fact, I didn't see any HD channels that looked bad other than maybe UHD.

I played hooky from work today and again, the PQ looks great to me. There are still some minor motion artifacts. I would say it's back to within 90% of PQ pre-harmonic encoders.
The DiscoveryHD channel just doesn't look as good as it did in the past to me. I have seen the Blue Angels shows two or three times on DiscoveryHD. This show just didn't have the crispness that they have had in the past. Vooms PQ was so much better befor the new Harmonic Encoders went on line. Does anyone other then me think we will need a new software download to get the PQ back to Pre-Harmonic Encoders?

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