Hard drive failure on hopper 3

No 5D7 on the list but I looked at all the 5s and came up with 527:

DISH Receiver Error 527
DISH Problem/Solution: ATTENTION Your hard drive is being repaired.
This will take a few minutes.
Do NOT disturb your receiver until the repair has been completed.
When the repair has completed, your receiver will be restarted.

Maybe that's it. It seems to fit.
If it's stuck on 527 then your HD is probably shot.
There is a good chance of that but if you just leave the receiver turned on and walk away for a while it might fix itself. As the remarks say:
Do NOT disturb your receiver until the repair has been completed.
When the repair has completed, your receiver will be restarted.
It's actually 311 with reference being the 5d7


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This happened to me before (I don't remember the error code) what was neat was that while the DVR and most features didn't work, the Hopper still worked like a regular satellite receiver and I could still watch TV on the Hopper until my replacement arrived. I hope this is still the case for you. :)
This happened to me before (I don't remember the error code) what was neat was that while the DVR and most features didn't work, the Hopper still worked like a regular satellite receiver and I could still watch TV on the Hopper until my replacement arrived. I hope this is still the case for you. :)
Yes receiver still works , I just hate it that I lost all my recordings.
I hear you there.... that is why I copy all my important stuff to an external hard drive. I was bit once as well.

But they are mechanical devices and they do die over time. I think for the most part the life on the drives on Hopper 3's has been really good for something thats running 24/7.
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This happened to me before (I don't remember the error code) what was neat was that while the DVR and most features didn't work, the Hopper still worked like a regular satellite receiver and I could still watch TV on the Hopper until my replacement arrived. I hope this is still the case for you. :)
That makes the error code (311) seem really appropriate, since the failure basically turns the Hopper into a 311 (non-DVR receiver).
It's actually 311 with reference being the 5d7
I hear you there.... that is why I copy all my important stuff to an external hard drive. I was bit once as well.
But they are mechanical devices and they do die over time. I think for the most part the life on the drives on Hopper 3's has been really good for something thats running 24/7.

Reply 2021- MY experience & opinion is different than that mentioned above . My Hopper 3 DVR is barely over 1 year in use and currently experiencing that precise DVR failure issue ALREADY! They want charge me FEES in either TECH or SHIPPING to resolve... for most that might seem normal (sad to think) but for me (an over 20 year customer) it is disrespectful and it demonstrates a COMPLETE LACK faith in their OWN PRODUCT as well their ability sustain PROPER customer services as a 'cost of business'! Quite simply it is a calculated ROBBERY and abuse of trust and/or naivety! I've been Dish customer for over 20 years and NEVER had to PAY Dish to fix THEIR own errors or failures of product... that new 'business model' is accepted by many peoples today like sheep to the slaughter but NOT TO OTHERS OF US who know better and ALSO remember their original CORE OPERATING PRINCIPLES! Shame!
If I lose my DVR content now, it will BE the Hopper 3 failure and the 1ST time amongst decades other generations of 'more successful' DISH tech! Many us not available procure a 'seemingly compatible' NON DISH external backup drive (I bought 3 ALL recommended work with Dish DVR and not ONE DID, my experience hardly uncommon btw. AS result I now stand to lose MANY YEARS of filing away programs specific my interests or needs via DVR.
So WHY didn't I transfer to an external drive yet? Duh! I'm not an idiot!! I TRIED repeatedly and at great expense each time! I made numerous attempts with new external drives, often WITH DISH Tech assist! Initially and for many YEARS Dish made it impossible to do so with a NON DISH NETWORK DVR "EXCLUSIVE to them, owned by them and ONLY useable WITH A DISH DVR SYSTEM. SUCH a handicap for programming I'd PURCHASED RIGHTS TO , especially and EVEN PBS programming I'd now paid for TWICE OVER! What a greedy load of crap!
When finally it WAS possible use a NON DISH brand Dvr to transfer & backup I THEN (like MANY peoples) went through many (THREE) fully separate external drives of every sort (VIA what other Dish customers had said worked for them) and not a ONE successfully transferred my DVR files! I EVEN HAD A TECH HERE ONCE WHO WAS UNABLE SUCCESSFULLY do a DVR TRANSFER stating that ALL usual 'compatible' CRITERIA (brand, max VS min storage capacity as typically anything over 500mb unit was incompatible at that time...go figure) he'd used before was unable work. He failed, I'd failed in numerous attempts... I began to question the TRUE ability transfer saved DVR programs to a NON DISH provided brand of external brand drive, especially after spending MUCH money on several the TOP RECOMMENDED 'COMPATIBLE' brands & models! What crap! I STILL have nothing backed up on an INDEPENDENT EXTERNAL HARD DRIVE!
NOW my ACTUAL DISH HOPPER 3 DVR has failed and I stand to lose ALL my files... and also hassle of replacing a DISH TV DVR barely a year in use. AS an over 2 decades plus customer I can OBJECTIVELY say that the more recent equipment & service leaves MUCH to be missed and/or desired! How can I NOT suspect it as a SCAM?! EVERYTHING at Dish has changed over the years since I signed on over 2 decades ago... not NORMAL changes even, but substantive business model, quality of CS, pricing VS product, lack of customer first attitude that was once trademark, hardware that lasts a FRACTION time as earlier models and carries enormously more GLITCHES... and the list goes on!
BUT THIS DVR ISSUE... it takes the proverbial cake! Screw the Hopper 3 DVR and screw the Dish Network's pitiful response to THEIR failure! THIS clunker has great bells & whistles... if ONLY it might last 5 years and carry more reliability or flexibility we'd been waiting for SO long :-/
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Not to rub it in, but I am still using a deactivated 512 that still works just fine as a DVR. I don't even know what year Dish stopped making that model. Yes, the lifespan and reliability has seemingly gone downhill with each new generation after that. I recently had a ViP612 die, and Dish did the same thing with me, charging me fees to "upgrade" even after originally saying there would be no upgrade fee. It makes me really sort of scared to purchase a Hopper 3, after reading the above rant, as well as the numerous other posts on this site from people who have had Hopper 3's fail and needed to replace them. I probably won't let it actually stop me from getting a Hopper 3, though. I am a gambler.
I have not had any problems with my hopper 3 and it has been close to 4 years. It runs all the time so I was concerned about the hard drive going bad. I recently switched out the internal hard drive with a new one to be proactive in replacing it before it failed. It was very easy to replace and the receiver booted right back up.
I have not had any problems with my hopper 3 and it has been close to 4 years. It runs all the time so I was concerned about the hard drive going bad. I recently switched out the internal hard drive with a new one to be proactive in replacing it before it failed. It was very easy to replace and the receiver booted right back up.
I've thought about keeping a spare on hand as well. You're saying you replaced it with a bare unformatted ST2000VM003 and it worked without any cloning or formatting?
I copied everything to an external hard drive first. I replaced the internal hard drive with a Seagate ST2000VM003. However the actual hard drive that was in the H3 was a Western Digital WD20EURX-57T0FY1. And yes it booted up and reformatted the new internal hard drive. I than reconnected the external and copied my recordings back to the H3. The only problem I had was I lost the timers to record, but that was not that big of a deal.
I copied everything to an external hard drive first. I replaced the internal hard drive with a Seagate ST2000VM003. However the actual hard drive that was in the H3 was a Western Digital WD20EURX-57T0FY1. And yes it booted up and reformatted the new internal hard drive. I than reconnected the external and copied my recordings back to the H3. The only problem I had was I lost the timers to record, but that was not that big of a deal.

Fabulous info! My newest Hooper is the 3 and it's been running with no glitches for 3.5 years. The Hooper at my lake house is a Hopper W/Sling about 5-6 years old. Not sure if it's the first version or not. I've never backed them up or used an external but this thread is making me think hard about doing it now or replacing the hard drives.

An option for the Doc is sending the hard drive to a recovery service. I stupidly let one of my hard drives die in a critical work machine several years ago and they recovered 95% of the contents. Since then I've installed a NAS everywhere and it continuously backs up and I even have NAS's backing up to other NAS's in different locations just in case. I bet a recovery service would be able to get a lot of the contents of that drive. Check it out Doc.

External Hard Drive limit for the Hopper?
