When I was going through my "change programming" system, which I do periodicially, there are two choices:
Premium for $99
Premium for $49/first month, save $50.
Also, for the plus package it says
Plus for $49
Plus for $0/first month, save $49.
I have the lowest tier package.
Each has it's own selection button next to it. When you select it and go through, at the end it just says that you may pay $10 if you downgrade from a premium service within 30 days. No mention of extra contract etc etc.
Anyone know what this is about? I don't watch the premium stuff, but I also wouldn't sneeze at what amounts to a free month of directv.
Premium for $99
Premium for $49/first month, save $50.
Also, for the plus package it says
Plus for $49
Plus for $0/first month, save $49.
I have the lowest tier package.
Each has it's own selection button next to it. When you select it and go through, at the end it just says that you may pay $10 if you downgrade from a premium service within 30 days. No mention of extra contract etc etc.
Anyone know what this is about? I don't watch the premium stuff, but I also wouldn't sneeze at what amounts to a free month of directv.