rjc3895 said:
The description on your website for the dreambox states the following:
Dreambox DM500
The Dreambox DM500S is a Linux and open-sourced powered FTA satellite receiver. With the latest firmware provided, you get extending functionality to receive all satellite channels wide open.
I think the terms "wide open" and "all satellite channels" are questionable. This sounds as if I could use the Dreambox to Pirate Dishnetwork.
Any thoughts?
I noticed that long ago..
Somewhat controvercially put.. but can be interpreted several ways ( 2 ways at least

In any case.. Let us all get along..
No need to bite as dogs..
This is No Hack talk forum.. and coming here asking for some hacking ways or questions is simply wrong, lame and stupid, .. retarted even..
They must be very very desperate for some free tv, their dealer disappeared, etc etc..
That's lame and wrong...
But .. even though threads like this one are ment to occur from time to time - no need to keep on repeating some facts such as "2 and 2 is 4", etc..
Talk is cheap.. one can talk .. but who da heck knows what one is doing on one's end there anyhow...
Meanwhilte FTA receivers resellers, are selling them left and right, rising prices on them etc.. (understandably so of course.. cuz of higher demand maybe)
meanwhile, DISH Network even took a different approach to hackers, suckers, pirates, or whoever ... by releasing that humoristic video .. FREE TV or whatever.. about Pirates .. going legit.. calling for service.. and being treated with same respect by CSRs .. same as any other customer...
Of course you are entitled to say what you wish in an open forum... No arguement here..
BUT.. is there really a need .. and what's the point anyhow .. to keep on, so to speak, "chewing and chewing and chewing that old bubble gum, that long ago is more appropriate for spitting out, rather then for chewing ... that tasteless juiceless old piece of gum
No offence to anyone, ... Take care...