Hack Talk

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these people who steal service do it because it not done face to face, it done behind a computer screen so there's some anonymity too it. These are the same people who when at the grocery store and they go by the barrels of candy and grab a handful without paying

these pirate tvers are complete wicked retards

Boy, am I glad this thread went in this direction. I have said it before. If a guy runs down the street and steals a lady's purse, he is not a "purse hacker" he is a guy that is trying to get something for nothing or, at least, he thinks the benefit outweighs the risk. By definition this type of person is known as one thing and one thing only -- a CRIMINAL.

Hackers are people who play with technology. Real hackers do not do things for personal gain, to commit a crime intentionally, or to gain notoriety. They do it to learn and gain personal experience with a form of technology.

I have been writng software for much longer than I have been a member of this forum. I can say for sure that with some of the code that I have written and put into a consumer product (as an employee) has been an outright hack. A damn good one, mind you, but a hack nonetheless. I guess one of the difficult things about this site is that it's a bunch of folks who sit around and watch TV. That's the hobby. Unfortunately, it's the news media that has ruined the definition of hacker in the first place. I highly recommend the book The Hacker Ethic. If you think you know what a hacker is or you think you may be a hacker, read the book to see if you are right or not.

I applaud the moderators of this site for ridding it of Skript Kiddi3s and Crackers. That is fantastic. It is, however, frustrating to some when anyone who wants to commit a crime is a hacker.

Ahhhh, I feel better.
my $.08 ($.02 just wouldn't do this time)
hantu said:
Hackers are people who play with technology. Real hackers do not do things for personal gain, to commit a crime intentionally, or to gain notoriety. They do it to learn and gain personal experience with a form of technology.
I Agree!!!
Iceberg said:

The reason they do that Jim is because on the hack boards, that's the norm.
Start posts with "I'm new help me"

I still don't get why people get a boner for stealing Dish. I know that's a pun and the reason is porn. That's all these low life scum want. Most of these people probably live in mommy's basement and need their porn. We use to have the porn channels (Ten, Xtasy and Playboy) and it's the same stuff over and over. For fun I will look at the names of those titles in my Dish guide and it's the same ones about every 3-4 days.

When they lost porn, oh my god the world was ending
When they lost PPV, it was no biggie (not much hoopla)
When they lost the Sports PPV, it was like their best friend died because they couldn't see old trailer Trash Springer and those Hot Body ones.

Unfortunatelly, they'll never learn. These are the same people who stole cable and now with most premiums on digital, they switched to stealing Dish.

With all due respect for you and this forum, I think you are very wrong about much of the above. Sure porn is main reason for stealing from Dish but there are money other reasons as well: money, sports, movies... I just don't understand why you all keep calling them stupid while most of you pay to watch channels which they have for free. Not really sure who is real looser but I know for a fact that Charlie isn't - he keeps gaining subscribers all the time.
And then you have so many FTA resellers who keep repeating that they do not support hacking while at the same time their business is exploding because of hackers. How can I not ask who is your daddy guys? Most of you will be out of business when Dish eventually becomes unhackable.
In addition to that, I can hardly believe that many of you TV addicts here would not at least give a shot to load your Coolsats or whatever with hacked software.
I, personally, try to spend the least amount of time on the front of my TV and when I watch it, 90% of time I watch HDTV channels only. Therefore, I am not interested in hacking at all but I wouldn't call stupid those who are.
This is great forum, I've learned many good things here but you don't really need topics like this one. No hack talk policy on this forum is perfectly fine, we know it and we are still coming back to see what's new in the FTA world. Therefore, no need to call hackers stupid over and over again, it's cheesy.
Conjuror said:
In addition to that, I can hardly believe that many of you TV addicts here would not at least give a shot to load your Coolsats or whatever with hacked software.
I won't give it a shot because it isn't worth potentially effecting the warranty / usability of my FTA box. Besides that, If a provider offers what I want I don't mind paying for it. I was a VaVaVoomer and LOVED it.

Dish and DirecTV don't offer what I had with Voom (50+ HD Channels), so I'm not a subscriber.

I'm into FTA for Feeds (live news is always a cool find) and stuff you just don't get anywhere else. Raw, unedited sports and of course on-site news uplinks are great. It's funny how different many of the personalities are when they aren't 'on air'.

We just lost the networks on the Equity transponders and while I hate to see any channels go away, it doesn't really effect what I watch.

The Tube & Imagine Asian will be missed on Ku but I'll be chasing them down on C-band.

Because of this hobby I saw Live8 1000% better than what the 'normal' coverage showed. I laughed at work when people were complaining about Pink Floyd being cut short and I had no idea what they were talking about :cool: . That day I wished I had a half dozen FTA boxes and a half dozen Tivos - lol.

I too am one of those with the pet peeve of the current distortion of the term "hacker."

I am (gasp!) a HACKER (albeit not a very good one). I enjoy learning what makes different types of technology work. I get paid to do this. My latest project is the Asterisk PBX and Cisco phones I am involved in deploying at my company. My background is mostly Windows servers so making open-source linux based apps play nice with a corporate network architecture is not trivial. I am finding I have to be a hacker every day to keep these things working.

I hack stuff that I own, legally and for the benefit of my company, not for illegal or immoral purposes. THAT is what distinguishes true hackers from crackers, script kiddies, l33ch3rz (or more simply, CRIMINALS).
Conjuror said:
I can hardly believe that many of you TV addicts here would not at least give a shot to load your Coolsats or whatever with hacked software.

So very very wrong!!! I own a Coolsat; though regardless of what system I may or may not own ... I will never compromise my sense of integrity to possibly watch a television program. That is one slippery slope that my foot will never be placed upon ..... Further, though I've been in this forum for but a short time, I think I can also speak for most of the regulars that post here.
OK, My turn.... Like it or not!!!! I am an OF, and have spent most of my life programming, from 4004 to today... I love coding and any challenge it provides. Over the years I have spent time teaching "code" from 4004 assembler to C++. It's all fun and a "brainfart" for me... (more so, now I get older!!)... A few years ago, I DID (yes I said it!!!!) get involved in the Dish coding!!!! I have had a Dish Sub for years and still do... But the code got me thinking... and it was fun!! (for me, then).. I NEVER took ANYTHING for FREE..... I never used it to watch TV, It was like a "test" for me as an old programmer.... Some one said, bet you cannot figure out this, so I did!!!! No money was made nor lost cos of my fun... It was just for me!!

I really enjoyed that challenge, just for the techy side.... Trying to understand the code and how it worked... Now that has all changed, I got older, and they got more techy....

Anyone that LOVES to program in assembler, know what I am talking about... It was just a "crossword"

OK, that was a few years ago, now I just love the fun of the wife, FTA, and the kids and the car and the.......

So anyone else wish to step up to the plate????

p.s. Please dont ban me, I'm clean now!! LOL

I spent 6 months in rehab in the Charlie Dave Clinic!!!!!!
Change your Dreambox Description on your website

ftadirect said:
Well said guys...
Once again, ftadirect does not support, promote, or want business from hackers.. if your planning on buying a fta system for that purpose, dont not call us to ask any questions about that, or buy from us. I have seen the show Oz, and dont want to live it.
Thank you

The description on your website for the dreambox states the following:
Dreambox DM500

The Dreambox DM500S is a Linux and open-sourced powered FTA satellite receiver. With the latest firmware provided, you get extending functionality to receive all satellite channels wide open.

I think the terms "wide open" and "all satellite channels" are questionable. This sounds as if I could use the Dreambox to Pirate Dishnetwork.

Any thoughts?
rjc3895 said:
The description on your website for the dreambox states the following:
Dreambox DM500

The Dreambox DM500S is a Linux and open-sourced powered FTA satellite receiver. With the latest firmware provided, you get extending functionality to receive all satellite channels wide open.

I think the terms "wide open" and "all satellite channels" are questionable. This sounds as if I could use the Dreambox to Pirate Dishnetwork.

Any thoughts?

Sounds like they are trying to sell a lot of them, which is fine. But if they're going to list product that way they sure shouldn't go around saying they don't condone signal theft because they obviously do.

Looks like they may be having an identity crisis of some sort.
rjc3895 said:
The description on your website for the dreambox states the following:
Dreambox DM500

The Dreambox DM500S is a Linux and open-sourced powered FTA satellite receiver. With the latest firmware provided, you get extending functionality to receive all satellite channels wide open.

I think the terms "wide open" and "all satellite channels" are questionable. This sounds as if I could use the Dreambox to Pirate Dishnetwork.

Any thoughts?
The way I read it and understand it, it says (to me anyway): "you get extending functionality to receive all satellite channels wide open", with our "Linux and open-sourced powered FTA satellite receiver". It doesn't say anything about receiving "all satellite channels wide open" with a Dishnetwork Receiver or on the Dish Network. It's clearly talking about FTA and not Dishnetwork.
My thoughts anyway. But, if you like, you can make something out of nothing. After all, for every thing that's ever been made for good, something bad can also be done with it.
You could easily get a job with the mainstream media, they're always twisting things around to make things different than they really are.
BTW, have a nice day.

rjc3895 said:
The description on your website for the dreambox states the following:
Dreambox DM500

The Dreambox DM500S is a Linux and open-sourced powered FTA satellite receiver. With the latest firmware provided, you get extending functionality to receive all satellite channels wide open.

I think the terms "wide open" and "all satellite channels" are questionable. This sounds as if I could use the Dreambox to Pirate Dishnetwork.

Any thoughts?
I noticed that long ago..
Somewhat controvercially put.. but can be interpreted several ways ( 2 ways at least :) )

In any case.. Let us all get along..
No need to bite as dogs.. :)

This is No Hack talk forum.. and coming here asking for some hacking ways or questions is simply wrong, lame and stupid, .. retarted even..
They must be very very desperate for some free tv, their dealer disappeared, etc etc..
That's lame and wrong...

But .. even though threads like this one are ment to occur from time to time - no need to keep on repeating some facts such as "2 and 2 is 4", etc..
Talk is cheap.. one can talk .. but who da heck knows what one is doing on one's end there anyhow...

Meanwhilte FTA receivers resellers, are selling them left and right, rising prices on them etc.. (understandably so of course.. cuz of higher demand maybe)

meanwhile, DISH Network even took a different approach to hackers, suckers, pirates, or whoever ... by releasing that humoristic video .. FREE TV or whatever.. about Pirates .. going legit.. calling for service.. and being treated with same respect by CSRs .. same as any other customer...

Of course you are entitled to say what you wish in an open forum... No arguement here..
BUT.. is there really a need .. and what's the point anyhow .. to keep on, so to speak, "chewing and chewing and chewing that old bubble gum, that long ago is more appropriate for spitting out, rather then for chewing ... that tasteless juiceless old piece of gum :) :rolleyes:

No offence to anyone, ... Take care...
The only thing I don't understand that kinda makes me mad is OTA Local Channels.

I pay the $6/month on DISH to pick up my local stations (got tired of an antennae, though I'm going to have to probably get it back now that I have an HDTV, stupid me) if they are OTA why are the channels scrambled? It would be nice if they were actually free to air.

There are so many possibilities with FTA programming, but it seems like no one in the USA wants to use it to it's full possibilities (broadcast companies). Kind of a shame.

I may seem like a hacker or whatever you want to call me for some of the questions I ask, but the simple fact is I really have NO idea how any of this stuff works (damn crap is confusing the hell out of me at the moment). frequencies, symbol rates, re-scanning, horizontal, vertical polarity, C-band, Ku-band, stupid 4DTV receiver. AHHH. I feel like my head is going to explode.

But there are SO many great international channels up there through C-band, Ku and FTA, that I'm stuck to try to learn the basics.
It is kind of confusing. You are not alone. Bottom line is that right now FTA units are being used to steal and that is what is driving the market. The Fta companies know it and have to pretend to keep their distance. But they are becoming very rich right now and its not because of the international ch's. For me I get my jollys out of grabbing HD OTA with my UHF ant. I love my HD.
As far as locals go, in my area we are NOT allowed to put up an antenna, so the local cable provider is required to provide locals to all for free..... For once, local gov did good...
JonStevo said:
As far as locals go, in my area we are NOT allowed to put up an antenna, so the local cable provider is required to provide locals to all for free..... For once, local gov did good...
Actually, the FCC rules override that law, and you are **REQUIRED** to be able to put up an antenna.
if they are OTA why are the channels scrambled? It would be nice if they were actually free to air.

What you have to understand is that the networks have contracts with local affiliates that guarantee the local affiliates they will be the sole OTA provider of their network programming in their given area and in return the local affiliates must not make their signals available to viewers out of their area because if they do they'd be infringing on some other local affiliates area. That's how it works and why unencrypted network affiliates via satellite become an issue. In other words the locals OTA stations in your area want you to have to watch their channels if you want to get the programming of the network they're affiliated with and in fact their contract with the network guarantees them of this. So if it comes to the point where local affilaites think a substantial number of people who should be "their" viewers may be actually watching other network affiliates via FTA, they will put pressure on the network to force those FTA stations to encrypt.

There's also the issue of certain sports sanctioning bodies who might prefer to be able to control which parts of the country certain events can be viewed in. I think we may have seen something like this a while back when Equity was forced to encrypt certian Fox affiliates.
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