H365 has arrived

Well, this reasonably old man thought he could eat not crow but pizza while watching the World Series on about a one hour delay, by starting to watch the recording about an hour in. No toggling between multiple recordings or the use of "resume". Just straight up playing of a recording. Fine for about 4 innings. Then, hitting +30 sec a few times as I always do, to skip commercials, it jumped from the 5th inning to the 8th inning, all the way from a score of 10-1 to 11-1, from 45+ minutes back to "live". Have seen this behavior multiple times just in the last week, and always when trying to watch time-delayed games. As a subscriber since 2016 or so, this kind of severe regression on a Hopper 3 is disappointing to say the least. Same behavior observed on the Hopper 3 and a 4K Joey both at x65 software.

It would be helpful for Dish to revert to H34x software or some stable version where we did not have multiple people reporting skip to live issues, until the recently-introduced problems can be sorted out. The trend lately in problems still unsolved and/or new problems introduced per new version is not good.
well, tried to watch 540-1 world series. had it recording, and tried to watch it delayed. screen black, had overlays, showed end of post game, would not play, no sound, just sat there with a black screen... grrrrr. remaining time showed it was the end of the 3hr game in the full screen info page, it was about 1hr in at max.. so that was wrong.. had a bunch recording, so didn't want to crash the box, gave up on it and let it record.
was smart and also had my local fox network, was watching that and at one point it wouldn't fast forward at like the 5th inning, then jumped back to the start. sigh... gave up on trying to watch it..
this morning, the 4k recording starts with zero issues and works as intended, I was able to FF to the inning I shut it off last night... no clue what's going on

does anyone have any ideas or any tips why I'm fighting the 4k black screen. there is another game tonight, I can try the pregame to see if I can get that working somehow.. not sure if should record and watch delayed, or record and watch live, i can try tuning to the channel, but that usually is black screen with overlays and sound working
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Update, if there is only a single recording it will play but, if multiple episodes the episode won't load or play. Also noticed that if it is still loaded in home page as a recent recording you can click and play that new episode even if multiple other episodes but still no way to see and play the older episodes.
Do you have a hopper+? Can you send me your receiver ID (in a direct message)

Edit: To follow up - I had one production hopper+/hopper 3 combo with this same issue. I rebooted the Hopper 3 and it fixed the issue and now folders load - does a reboot help?
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Do you have a hopper+? Can you send me your receiver ID (in a direct message)

Edit: To follow up - I had one production hopper+/hopper 3 combo with this same issue. I rebooted the Hopper 3 and it fixed the issue and now folders load - does a reboot help?
Thanks for getting back. Yesterday I restarted several times from the tools menu with no change. I did not do an unplug restart. This morning however after the nightly restart it is fixed as of now. Thanks again.
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Thanks for getting back. Yesterday I restarted several times from the tools menu with no change. I did not do an unplug restart. This morning however after the nightly restart it is fixed as of now. Thanks again.

No problem - let me know if it happens again, we are working to identify a reliable way to duplicate the issue so we can send it to the engineering team.
Two things with H365 on the Hopper 3 that are not working correctly which were working correctly with H364 are:
1) Notifications that a External HDD is connected does not seem to show up, the notification when a External HDD is disconnected does work correctly.
2) When transferring to the External HDD from the Hopper 3, after hitting Watch TV so the transfer is done in the background, there is no Notification popup after the transfer is complete.
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There is also another issue I have had even with the previous recent software versions, when playing a recording and holding the back button which goes to Live TV, the issue is it goes to the channel of the recording I was watching instead of the channel I was actually watching before the recording.
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Another bug to report which involves the Hopper Plus with P12407 as with the Hopper Plus disconnected, Hopper 3 works correctly which is in regards to recording playback.
I will try to describe the issue and use a example..

The timer records 15 minutes prior to the actual programming so the DVR will show the recording name at 7:45AM with the name of the 8:00AM programming which is correct.
For the playback, without the Hopper Plus basically Hopper 3 only with H365, when info is hit or basically what is shown on the top and bottom of the screen during playback, it I was watching 7:45AM-7:59:59AM, it will show the name of the programming for what is in the guide for 7:45AM-7:59:59AM and then at 8:00AM, the name of the programming will change to what the guide shows for 8:00AM.

With the Hopper Plus connected, it will show the programming information for 7:45AM for the entire recording and does not change to match the programming name at 8:00AM for example.
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And here is another one with the Hopper 3 on H365 that just happened within the last 30 minutes.
I have a timer set for TVBD channel 626-06 for 6AM PT/9AM ET A Chip off the Old Block
which records from 5:45AM PT/8:45AM to 7:15AM PT/10:15AM ET
The issue is I stopped and deleted the recording and it seems it starts recording again a minute later so I stopped and deleted the recording and ofcourse it starts recording again a minute later. The same thing happened for another 6 times and each I stopped and deleted the recording and it would start recording again a minute later before it finally didn't start recording agan.
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I have also noticed intermittently (not every time) if I am watching a show that has not completed recording (in progress) - I am unable to skip forward 30 seconds. It acts as though I have exceeded fwd or rewind and shows Live TV. I could either watch from that show from the start with commercials, or go on to something else, wait for it to finish recording then watch from the start and have the skip ahead 30 second functions again.
There is also something else which is also with H365 and probably all previous version(s) I have noticed. It appears that for recordings that were recorded prior to the fall backward clock change of November 5, 2023, the time listed in the recording itself is all adjusted by one hour behind so if the recording was originally showing 12:45PM-2:15PM for example, it is showing 11:45AM-1:15PM for example.
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There is also something else which is also with H365 and probably all previous version(s) I have noticed. It appears that for recordings that were recorded prior to the fall backward clock change of November 5, 2023, the time listed in the recording itself is all adjusted by one hour behind so if the recording was originally showing 12:45PM-2:15PM for example, it is showing 11:45AM-1:15PM for example.
It has always taken a few days after the time change, either way, to settle the times.
I have also noticed intermittently (not every time) if I am watching a show that has not completed recording (in progress) - I am unable to skip forward 30 seconds. It acts as though I have exceeded fwd or rewind and shows Live TV. I could either watch from that show from the start with commercials, or go on to something else, wait for it to finish recording then watch from the start and have the skip ahead 30 second functions again.
I have seen this also, but I think it was on H364.
I have seen this also, but I think it was on H364.
I have something very similar to this on my Hopper 2 on H264: does HWS H264 have a bug with watching a recording in progress?

I think it's updated to H265 since then, but I haven't been brave enough to test it.

And tonight I had an absolutely ridiculous glitch. I started watching Andrew Zimmern on the Cooking Channel at about 9:10. Not recording anything, just watching live. Watched the rest of the episode til 9:30, at which point another episode started. About 9:50, after a commercial block, I was suddenly watching the 9:00 episode again exactly where I had started watching it earlier! Tried to back up, picture froze. Eventually it started playing again, and suddenly I was back to where I should've been in the 9:30-10:00 episode.

I don't know why, when Dish has inexplicable bugs like this, they don't just revert to the previous software til they can figure out what they've done wrong.

The work around for the current tailgater issue.

Dish Network, Sling Freestream Add Fox Weather To Lineup
