H360 on H3 has arrived

If you look at the software for your H3 (Home, Home, Home), just below that it also list the approved software versions for your Joey(s).
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This version has stability improvements - let me know if you have any issues.
So far this is a very stable update. Seems like they got most of the bugs! Skipping forward and backwards is working great . Now if they could get Google Assistant working. I know there working on it. I've got patience. If they need a beta tester for anything, I'd be glad to help.

Sent from my Pixel 7 Pro using Tapatalk
I got H360 back a week ago and then just got H361 on 8-31-23. Right after H360 started having several problems. Forward and rewind some more sluggish and jittery, as well as 10 sec back, 30secskipfwd also not as functionally smooth as they used to be.

The hopper is also showing the time that is left for a program in the upper right info bar as a NEGATIVE number.

Another problem is that if in multiview mode, and you tune one of the quads to a OTA channel via the usb OTA unit that quad shows nothing but black with no sound/picture. If you select that channel and go full screen the channel is there buffering and works but does not show in the multiview mode.

NONE of this was happening before H360 and H361 did not seem to fix any of these problems. The fwd and back skip is working a little better with H361 but still not like pre H360. Where can this be reported???
My owned H3 got 361 on 8/31 without intervention by me, causing me to say, "huh".
If I had a penny for every "Huh?!" moment I've had with d¡sh, I'd be so rich I could buy a Social Media company and go to Mars.

Haven't checked yet today . . .

092023: I was allowed to Force Update from H358 to H362.

Sent from my S61Pro using Tapatalk
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hopper 3 plus

Does the Dish Everything package include local channels?
