I am not sure if this is normal or not. This is my very first time trying to download a CE. I have an HR24 with a 2TB hard drive upgrade. I initiated the download an everything went well, but when the receiver restarted it seemed like it was stuck at the "Step 1 of 2: Checking satellite settings..." screen. This was a new screen (the backdrop, etc.) so looked like it indeed downloaded a new version of the software (0592).
I let it sit for about 15 minutes the first time, and nothing was happening, so I rebooted the receiver, and it did the exact same thing. Finally after about 22 minutes or so, the screen flickered, but then went back to the same screen, and then it did the flicker again, and then finally it advanced to the next screen, and started with step 2 (Receiving satellite info...). It finally finished and everything looks good. Very cool! New HD GUI.
Question is, is it normal for the reboot to take this long? I am curious if it does this EVERY time now? Can my 2 TB hard drive upgrade have anything t do with this?