H20 Install canceled for Friday

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Nov 8, 2003
I canceled my H20 install after calling D* to see if they would match E* new free HD-DVR and they had no clue what I was talking about. I am in the process of deciding between the 2 and am going to wait until Feb to see how all this CES info pans out.. And maybe D* will match the free HD-DVR.. The only thing I am concerned about is the stability of the h20..

I'm not sure I do either.
I canceled my H20 install after calling D* to see if they would match E* new free HD-DVR and they had no clue what I was talking about. I am in the process of deciding between the 2 and am going to wait until Feb to see how all this CES info pans out.. And maybe D* will match the free HD-DVR.. The only thing I am concerned about is the stability of the h20..


Can you please provide a link to the offer(s) you are talking about?

Are you 100% sure the stability of one is any better or worse than the other?

I think the 4 new sats over 2006 & 2007 would sway my selection.
Today, E* officially announced no lease upgrade fee for the 622. Plus, the HR20 seems to be getting SW update tonight. Busy day.

I'm sure D* will match E*'s offer. They have to. But, it seems I will wait to make the switch. C* has gotten a little costly. But, E* is no cheaper. D*'s HW is still a little shaky, and no true 30-second skip. But, now that Fox is out of the picture there, who knows how that wil develop.

U-verse will be another option for me. Alo lower pricing like D*. But, they also have HW and bandwidth isues like D*.

For now, I'll hold tight with C*. Good programming, service, and even HW. (I'm not sure why people complain aso much about the 6412/3412.)
i just got my hr20 a week ago and i've had to reboot the receiver almost once a day!! hows that for stability?
i just got my hr20 a week ago and i've had to reboot the receiver almost once a day!! hows that for stability?

I've had mine for 4 months now and have had to reboot it.....maybe twice, three times at most, but some of that may be because I was trying to reset my OTA channels.

I canceled my H20 install after calling D* to see if they would match E* new free HD-DVR and they had no clue what I was talking about. I am in the process of deciding between the 2 and am going to wait until Feb to see how all this CES info pans out.. And maybe D* will match the free HD-DVR.. The only thing I am concerned about is the stability of the h20..


I don't even have HD, and they told me if I wanted to upgrade to the HR20 they would for free, but there is a long waiting list when I called.

I didn't want the Hr20 for HD, I just wanted the extra hours of recording on the HR20.

Instead I'm adding a R15 to my tv with my DTIVO, so I'll have 2 DVRs in the livingroom.
I remember when I first joined they told me 3-4 weeks for a DVR

4 weeks passed and I called and they said 3-4 weeks again....2 weeks passed...called...3-4 weeks

A week passes...I call up...they have "plenty" in stock....

You never know with distributors when the things will be in.

Just because the deal is there doesn't mean the can make the equip fast enough.

Look at Sirius in Dec. 05. Stern was a huge sell, but they ran out of radios and couldn't make them fast enough. Took until Feb. in most areas and July in N.Y.C.

Then boom, millions available... Distributors and Manufacturers
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Newsweek Take on John Malone's DirecTV

one tuner on Hr20 not working...

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