Green line on Nasa?

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Dec 10, 2006
I have a dish pointed at echostar 7 for Nasa and the very good digital music there.
I do not know if it is my new HDTV (Olevia, very nice) or my Viewsat or just the channel itself, but there is a green line going down the extreme left of the screen.
It looks a lot like the code in the Matrix, but just one line of the Matrix code.
No matter how I change the screen size, it is always there.
None of the other fta channels on this sat do this.
I checked the one at work, where they have a d-network sub, on a crt screen and did not see it.
Just wondering if it was only me and my set-up causing this.
For an OCD person, this line will drive me bonkers and actually keep me from watching this channel!
I can see this occasionally on my PC screen using a DVB card. Not sure why it is there, but the reason a CRT monitor won't display it is that most CRT monitors overscan the picture, thus the line is not in the visible area.
I have a Syntax LCD TV, and see the green line on one of the local network channels OTA.
Just one channel, though. Figured it was the channels fault. :eek:
Hadn't seen it on NASA, but now I'll go look.
I just ignore it. :cool:

I'm surprised you aren't also complaining about the "digital noise" at the top of the screen, at certain times.
I think that's the closed caption data burst.
People over on the VideoReDo video editor site, are always wanting to know how to get rid of that, too.
I just ignore it. :rolleyes:

See also, the fine answer above by Tron.
Blame modern technology. :D
If that bothers you I can just imagine the impact of the pop-up ads and identifier bugs on the other channels.
I'm surprised you aren't also complaining about the "digital noise" at the top of the screen, at certain times.
I think that's the closed caption data burst.
Oh I am!!!!
But I only see them on certain OTA Hd channels (like PBS HD). I haven't really had a problem with the regular fta channels. Since I don't have an hd box yet (waiting for a STRONG price drop!), then I really don't see this much on satellite.

If it really bothers you, you can check to see if your LCD TV has a over scan feature, I have seen a few that have it.
I am looking into it. Time for some research - but there is nothing in the book about it so I guess I am out of luck. Thanks anyway.
I know the PS3 just recently made a fix to their OS to run PS2 games in "analogue mode" when an HDMI cable is attached so it won't be so choppy.
It looks so much better now!
Too bad there is not a setting to make regular channels look better like this on an HD tv, because they look like crap! Like a choppy windows media player stream on low bandwidth!

If that bothers you I can just imagine the impact of the pop-up ads and identifier bugs on the other channels.
I can deal with it better if it is SUPPOSED TO BE THERE! Even if it is annoying like those, it is better than a green line on the far left of my screen. If I had a choice though - I would choose NEITHER!
Thanks for the replies.
I am starting to see that it IS the TV.


p.s. Oh yeah - I forgot to mention that it (the green line) has only been here for a month or so. Maybe it is just the channel. However - I DID get the TV about a month ago. The puzzle is coming together.....
It's not a fault of your equipment, its there in the data stream (probably something either at Dish's uplink or NASA's, it would be interesting to see if its also on the direct feed from AMC-6.... C-Band, anyone? :) ) Older monitors were often set to overscan in order to conceal abnormalities such as videotape skew errors, mis-tracking, and of course the closed caption vertical interval data. Since the digital monitors display the entire television frame, these artifacts are now more noticeable.
The top of the screen's noise is the VBI or Vertical Blanking Interval. It is extra lines of video containing things like test patterns and Closed Captioning. It has been around for ever.

I have no idea about what the green line on the edge of the screen is.

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