Now he's deleted posts without informing the person why they were deleted, I was posting a free preview for D* (which I have done a dozen tiems before), and the post kept getting deleted form some reason, I thought it was the cache acting up again, checked my msgs to see if I was being warned or somethnig, but nothing, it turns it its icedturkey deleting the post because he did not want me posting about it, because he had mentioned it (without a proper topic about it at the time), I say that because he would not tell me until 3days and 5 reposts later that he had updated his post (and deleted mine) to reflect the preview, which would have been fine, if he had simply told me this from the get go, instead he played secret delete, makes me wonder how many other posts he deletes without telling anyone, obviously a mod on a power trip, he feels that the user has no right to know why their post is deleted, and that the user is not important enough, way to show professionalism.