Bit the bullet and bought a 622 to replace my eight month old 942. Knew the drill about having to have a DISH 1000 antenna installed, but, given the buzz on these boards about the lousy signal strength for the 129 bird here on the Left Coast, I greeted the installer with the musical question: "say, what kind of signal strength are you guys getting on 129 with these 1000 installs?" He sez: "not so good, we have to come out and replace them with 500's to get anything decent." So I say: "hey, I have no problem with you turning that 148 dish to pick up the 129," which pleased him (and me). Got a 74 onscreen for that puppy, it's all good.
Nice to have an installer who will listen and interact with the customer. This was a DISH employee, not a retailer's field guy (not trying to impugn anyone)
Nice to have an installer who will listen and interact with the customer. This was a DISH employee, not a retailer's field guy (not trying to impugn anyone)