Great Install Experience


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Sep 5, 2005
Norris, TN
As we all know there are tons of posts about terrible installs, but this is the opposite. A friend of mine asked me to pick out his new AV set-up for he and his new wife's new house. I got them hooked up with a Pioneer Plasma PDP5070 (50"), a Denon 2807 receiver and Infinity TSS4000 speakers. I installed all that for him yesterday and talked them into Dish Network for their service. The install was set between 8 and 12 and the installer showed up at 10:30 (right on time). They had a Dish 1000, a ViP 622 and a 322 installed. The installer (from DNS) was very nice and hooked up an additional 2 rooms (mirrored) for no charge. He got a great signal even on 129 (which I actually expected to have to tweak myself). Overall great install!

Two 311 tuners on 1 cable- How?

Just ordered Dish HD have a few questions..

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