Empiretc, You could not have said it better. Please apply for DISH Programming Executive.
Not sure they would pay enough to put up with the BS, lol. Been self-employed for 14+ years, and our long time customers get perks and freebies the relatively new ones do not.
This thread actually encouraged me to cancel Dish today. I..... The ante was upped, however this is not even close to what new customers get at Dish. It is not close to what new customers get at Directv either....
They will let you go. We are their ideal customer- purchased all the equipment and self installed. Called, activated and setup autopay. We have never called to haggle about prices or promotions. (now that DIRT is here will send a PM about one but do not fight or cry about it if denied). In the past 8 years we cancelled twice and they never tried to retain us. They did, however, harass us constantly about returning. Be ready for that.