How did you capture that screen ? My HD selection won't expand like yours. I'm thinking about dumbing down my programming for a few weeks until they figure it out.
My bill for mid Feb to mid March had 5 premiums for $50. My main bill bill was Silver, with 1 premium being an upgrade to Gold (top 250), another being Gold HD, a third being Platinum HD, along with HBO and Showtime. The bill was dated 1/28. So they're still charging me $20 for HD.
If I wasn't getting a $10 credit for being over charged for 6 months, my bill would have gone up $17.
To clear it up, I have a leased 622 and (2) 211ks that I own.
Programming: Top 250, Platinum HD, locals, Cinemax for a year for a penny, plus HBO and Showtime.
Without the credit, I would have had a bill for $131.