Tony, I had a simular problem a few years back, when I replaced a servo motor. They only turn so far in either direction, come to find out I had put it in with it turned all the way to one side. So when I changed channels, I got good reception on one polarity and crappy on the other. i didn't know what was going on, all I knew was the only change I had done was replace the servo motor. I took it off and watched it by site as I changed the channel and it moved, but it only moved 90-100 degrees. I got to playing with it and noticed I could turn it with my finger further in the opposite direction than it was turning on its on. I eventually figured out if I put the receiver on the channel (polarity) that had been working, I could move it to the correct position and it worked right. I put it back on the feedhorn and it's been working since.