Got a 811 from Estate Sale...


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Pub Member / Supporter
Sep 17, 2005
McAlester, Oklahoma
My neighbor gave me a almost new 811. He got it for me from an Estate Sale he went to. I called Dish to have it activated, and they said it was a leased receiver and they couldn't do that. That was all they said. Well I had it hooked up before I called, and it did the OTA part just fine. It was on P2.80. It downloaded P3.81 and now OTA reception requires the receiver to be activated. This sucks! What am I gonna do with this pretty door stop now?
My neighbor gave me a almost new 811. He got it for me from an Estate Sale he went to. I called Dish to have it activated, and they said it was a leased receiver and they couldn't do that. That was all they said. Well I had it hooked up before I called, and it did the OTA part just fine. It was on P2.80. It downloaded P3.81 and now OTA reception requires the receiver to be activated. This sucks! What am I gonna do with this pretty door stop now?

Got a Boat ? Makes a good Anchor !!:D

I seen one of those( from a Estate Sale) on Ebay the other day and Emailed the Seller asking him if was a Lease........ never got a Reply.........."Imagine That ?"
So there's no way to get them to activate the 811 for me? This way at least they'd get a $5 additional receiver fee per month. And why did they not want it back, if it's theirs?
So there's no way to get them to activate the 811 for me? This way at least they'd get a $5 additional receiver fee per month. And why did they not want it back, if it's theirs?

What are they gonna do with an 811? Im sure they are trying to phase them out.
ANY receiver can be activated, but the problem with turning on a leased 811 when the account isn't yours is that the equipment could just as easily have been stolen. If someone stole that 811 from you and tried to turn it on, would you really want it turned on?

Second problem is the whole point of leasing is a drop in cost with a gain over an extended period. The cost of the 811 isn't made back immediately with leased contracts, so when the equipment mysteriously disappears DISH loses that money.
ralfyguy put it in the classifieds section with a disclaimer that its a lease and your not responsible but offer it for between 20-30 dolars
or throw on ebay with disclaimer
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ok ok, 30 plus shipping... he was gonna throw it away anyway. its not like im hurting for an ird i have 16 of them laying around, i just felt like offering the guy a second choice to throwing it away. why is this such a big deal?
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ok ok, 30 plus shipping... he was gonna throw it away anyway. its not like im hurting for an ird i have 16 of them laying around, i just felt like offering the guy a second choice to throwing it away. why is this such a big deal?
no big deal but i think 20-30 plus shipping is a lot more fair than just paying shipping imho
then again its not my decision
And why did they not want it back, if it's theirs?
They *do* want it back except not from you. I'm sure the original owner has rec'd letters from Dish to return it when the service was cancelled. The fact that the original owner passed away isn't relevant either. Someone is in charge of closing accounts, etc, etc. Depending on how long it's been, the owner has been charged for the box. Since Dish still has it flagged as a lease, they haven't been paid for it yet. Once the estate pays for it, Dish will likely let you activate it. I'd say hang on to it for a while.
What are they gonna do with an 811?
They'll make it a refurbished unit and someone would get it when they return theirs for repair or replacement. Believe it or not, Dish doesn't "upgrade" your receiver (typically) when you have one repaired/exchanged by them.
Usually what happens in these situations is that the person who was leasing the equipment died, and the account gets disconnected for non-payment.

The family has an estate sale and sells the equipment not knowing its leased...

You get the equipment, Dish refuses to activate it.

The family who sold it, either doesn't know or doesn't care since they are either not gonna pay which its gonna be next to impossible for Dish to collect on the account, or someone in the family one day is going to get the collection letter and just pay it off from part of the money from the estate.
you maybe able to go through executive offices backdoor activation, that was how i got my 522/625's acivated but they were brand new but dish would only lease them so i contacte executive offices via bob haller's contact at the time and mission accomplished
So is it also correct that there's no workaround to still get OTA on it, since P3.81 without activation? It still worked on P2.80 before.

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