Got a 721, need a cheat sheet


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Jun 10, 2004
Boulder, CO

Is there a single place with all of the tips and tricks associated with the 721 (and it's current sw release)? I searched and could not find it, though I did find the thread on the red button.

Hmm Doing a search on 721 should help. Here is a few tips that I have.

1) When within the guide screen if you scroll over to the channels and hit the select you will change to that channel.

2) The 721 works a lot like the 50x series so it should seem very comfortable if you have any experience with the 50x.

3) While in the guide, hitting the skip button forward/backward jumps the guide 24 hours in advance.

4) You have unlimited favorites so you can set up a favorite list that only contains the stations you payed for.

5) You cannot record off the video input at the front panel.

6) The Themes for recorded shows is very useful if you have a lot of recorded program.

7) Use the red button over the PIP button. Pressing the red button to the point where all you see is a small TV, places the 721 into a nice mode that will allow you to switch between two shows.

That is all I can think of at the moment, I am sure some others that have more experience with the 721 will be able to offer more tips/tricks.
This is good. I remember reading one where if you are watching a show and decide to record the whole show, you need to rewind to the beginning of the show and then hit record.

Isn't there an issue with the transparent guide? (I like the standard one better).
Is there a way to increase/decrease the size of the picture window when you are in the standard guide?

Hi, there is no need to rewind to the beginning of the show if you are in the middle of a show that you want to record. All you do is hit record and an options menu will appear and you can select options from. One of them being record the whole show of course this only appears when the channel has not been changed during the whole show. Also when you are in the guide mode you can hit the switch button down by the pip button and the window will appear above the guide info in the right hand corner that way you don't have to worry about the transparent settings.

Tweakophyte said:
Isn't there an issue with the transparent guide? (I like the standard one better).

The only issue I know of with the transparent guide is why anyone would want to use it. I have never understood what it was supposed to do.
Another guide-skip "trick." Type in a number, and then press the right (or left) arrow and you will skip that many hours.
The benefit to transparent guide is that you more often can see the full description of a program, since at the top of the guide, there is no room required for the video, as it appears in the guide.

For those of you who are curious as to how it looks, pop up your guide and hit the SWAP button on your 721 remote. The SWAP button will toggle the position of the video. Note: The only way to have it default to the "transparent" mode is to select it in Preferences.
It seemed to me that the "transparency" setting made the menus transparent. It makes them less obtrusive to the programming, ot the guide if that's what you are viewing when hitting "menu".

I really liked it except for the fact that it moves the VIG down underneath the grid. It is incredibly annoying in that position. So, I disabled "transparency".

If they could keep the VIG in the upper right, while making the menus transparent, it would be a beautiful thing.
cmaier said:
Another guide-skip "trick." Type in a number, and then press the right (or left) arrow and you will skip that many hours.

This trick works with all (I think) DISH receivers. I use it all the time on the 6000 and 811.
GaryPen said:
It seemed to me that the "transparency" setting made the menus transparent. It makes them less obtrusive to the programming, ot the guide if that's what you are viewing when hitting "menu".

I really liked it except for the fact that it moves the VIG down underneath the grid. It is incredibly annoying in that position. So, I disabled "transparency".

If they could keep the VIG in the upper right, while making the menus transparent, it would be a beautiful thing.

Gary I love your new signature :D :D that deserves 2 big smileys!

styxfix said:
This trick works with all (I think) DISH receivers. I use it all the time on the 6000 and 811.

I don't remember if that worked on the 6000, but since my 6000 never had any program information more than a couple of hours in advance it wouldn't have been very useful :-)
The 6000 guide can go out about 36 hours in the future. You just have to wait a very, very long time and sometimes you would have to repeat if the guide timed out on you.
styxfix said:
The 6000 guide can go out about 36 hours in the future. You just have to wait a very, very long time and sometimes you would have to repeat if the guide timed out on you.

Yeah, THAT's what I'll do. Man, I am so glad my 921 came, if for no other reason than to have a functional guide.
Tweakophyte - Another trick is to plug in a USB keyboard to the USB port on the back of the 721. I know there is a list of all the keyboard commands to use the keyboard as a remote control. You can search the forum.

But, even if you only use the keyboard for typing search words, which is what I do, you will really appreciate the convenience compared to using the remote for that.
What if you wanted to use the remote in another room? How long could a person make a cord that would work in a distant room with a keyboard? I figure someone could also use a wireless cone system to do this.
I think maybe "wireless cone" refers to an IR repeater - there's also "wireless pyramid"s, and there's actually the same type of device - maybe even actually the same design!

I'm thinking that an IR repeater MIGHT work with an IR wireless keyboard and/or mouse. Sure would like to know the answer to that.
stratguy said:
Hi, there is no need to rewind to the beginning of the show if you are in the middle of a show that you want to record. All you do is hit record and an options menu will appear and you can select options from. One of them being record the whole show of course this only appears when the channel has not been changed during the whole show. Also when you are in the guide mode you can hit the switch button down by the pip button and the window will appear above the guide info in the right hand corner that way you don't have to worry about the transparent settings.


:confused: How do you rewind a hard disk drive?? Never done that .. ( just kidding you - no flaming - just being ornery today ) :D :)

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