Goodbye Dish


Original poster
Feb 1, 2018
I was a long time Dish customer. 1 Hopper and 3 Joeys. I lost satellite reception 3 days ago. I've called Dish support 3 times, only to get a recording that they are too busy and to call back later. Not even the option to hold. The web site was not functioning, so no help there.

I've been tempted to try YouTube TV, but never bothered as Dish worked for me. However, after the last attempt at reaching support, I signed up for YouTube TV, Easy to do, it took 5 minutes. As a result, I've now got more channels on 3 Firesticks and 1 Roku for about half of the cost. No contract.

I'd have stayed with Dish, continuing to pay more, if only they would have answered the phone and given me some customer service...
I hear you, I'd be PO'd too, but Dish got taken out by a cyber attack. It took down their entire network and call centers. It's been in the news and their website also details this.

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Not my problem. No excuse for not having people to answer the phone. All hands on deck?
It sucks, but it is what it is. You can haggle with Dish afterwards, but their system is likely being rebuilt from the ground up. Stuff like this takes two plus weeks for normal sized companies. Dish is bigger than a normal sized company.
How can people answer phones that are down?? Seems like you had your mind made up and just needed an excuse to me
I'm very familiar with customer service systems. In a large company, I could start from scratch and have a call handling system set up in 24 hours. They have a working 800 number. From that a call answering/routing system can quickly be set up. On new hardware if necessary. No excuse for being down for days. I bet that their billing system is working! Dish will pay a price.
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I'm very familiar with customer service systems. In a large company, I could start from scratch and have a call handling system set up in 24 hours. They have a working 800 number. From that a call answering/routing system can quickly be set up. On new hardware if necessary. No excuse for being down for days. I bet that their billing system is working! Dish will pay a price.
No, actually their billing system wasn't working and what you're talking about being so easy is setting up a new business. Not so easy where an entire operation is infected by a ransomware attack and you're dead in the water. So, if someone would have answered a phone what, exactly, do you think they could have done for you? The answer is nada because, at the risk of repeating what several others have already pointed out, they were dead in the water. Less overreacting and more understanding and compassion might be a reasonable goal. You want to be angry with someone be angry with the criminal hackers, not the victim.
I'm very familiar with customer service systems. In a large company, I could start from scratch and have a call handling system set up in 24 hours. They have a working 800 number. From that a call answering/routing system can quickly be set up. On new hardware if necessary. No excuse for being down for days. I bet that their billing system is working! Dish will pay a price.
I love how some dude on the internet is more equipped to do something one of the largest telecommunications companies on the planet apparently can't.... smh
The attack was on Feb 23rd - the billing system has been restored in a rudimentary way, 2 days ago??

Maybe you should fly right out to Denver and show Dish how dumb they are....
Relax. Someone wants attention like everyone in our social media society these days.

Who cares?

Not really anyone since probably nobody will remember what BRP thinks in a week. It will be on some other tv plan and no one will remember unless it comes back to trumpet its achievement in obtaining a new tv plan even as it has massive experience in customer service systems which means it could have solved this days ago.

Wonder why it does not have a job in our gov't which knows how to solve issues that were of course caused by that other evil side.
This is the sad reality of the damage these cyber attacks can do. People don't like to change things until they're forced to. OP had the perfect opportunity to try something else and was happy with the outcome. Dish lost a customer due to their inability to recover quickly or have a good backup plan. People are assuming there's nothing phone support can do, well perhaps the issue is something a field tech can fix, rather than anything having to do with the billing system. A company with some sort of backup plan would maybe be able to call a field supervisor in his area and set up an appointment.

How many potential customers are they losing because their website is pretty basic and they can't answer the phone? Someone who is moving into a new house and just wants "TV" and maybe doesn't really care who provides it might see Dish's messed up website and go with another provider. How many decisions have you guys made based on what's convenient and available? That's how I decide a lot of things.

Pay tv is already dying and everyday they operate like this is salt in the wound.
On top of my company not being paid, it's going on 3 weeks since I've been able to create and activate new customer accounts, or process movers and equip. upgrades. It really hurts, but all that said, I know where the blame lies. It lies with the terrorists who attacked DISH. I know it shouldn't bug me, but the op's post's just piss me off. If you want to change service, change service. Imho, using the current circumstances as a reason to do so is just ignorant and lame.
I am sad I had to switch, but 2 weeks with no television and no way to get through to anyone to get a technician sent to my home to fix the issue, what am I supposed to do? Got the wife on my case, kids getting out of control.

I had to do make a change and switch.

IDK if my service is even cancelled.... dont care at this point
This is the sad reality of the damage these cyber attacks can do. People don't like to change things until they're forced to. OP had the perfect opportunity to try something else and was happy with the outcome. Dish lost a customer due to their inability to recover quickly or have a good backup plan. People are assuming there's nothing phone support can do, well perhaps the issue is something a field tech can fix, rather than anything having to do with the billing system. A company with some sort of backup plan would maybe be able to call a field supervisor in his area and set up an appointment.

How many potential customers are they losing because their website is pretty basic and they can't answer the phone? Someone who is moving into a new house and just wants "TV" and maybe doesn't really care who provides it might see Dish's messed up website and go with another provider. How many decisions have you guys made based on what's convenient and available? That's how I decide a lot of things.

Pay tv is already dying and everyday they operate like this is salt in the wound.
Techs can't roll without work-orders.
Work-orders start with phone calls to call centers - which were all down for days and still aren't all re-opened.
Work-orders can't be created without a system to create them.

A system that has been coming back slowly but surely while millions of people are trying to find answers. Millions.
On top of my company not being paid, it's going on 3 weeks since I've been able to create and activate new customer accounts, or process movers and equip. upgrades. It really hurts, but all that said, I know where the blame lies. It lies with the terrorists who attacked DISH. I know it shouldn't bug me, but the op's post's just piss me off. If you want to change service, change service. Imho, using the current circumstances as a reason to do so is just ignorant and lame.
Why?? My company has had a much lower job count, but my office ran 60 Work Orders yesterday. Agreed on the OP. I get irritated by swan-song posts
I'm very familiar with customer service systems. In a large company, I could start from scratch and have a call handling system set up in 24 hours. They have a working 800 number. From that a call answering/routing system can quickly be set up. On new hardware if necessary. No excuse for being down for days. I bet that their billing system is working! Dish will pay a price.
You honestly don't have a clue!
I'm very familiar with customer service systems. In a large company, I could start from scratch and have a call handling system set up in 24 hours. They have a working 800 number. From that a call answering/routing system can quickly be set up. On new hardware if necessary. No excuse for being down for days. I bet that their billing system is working! Dish will pay a price.
That'd be awesome. All of those Dish customers being able to call in to talk with a representative that can't do a thing other than say all the other systems are down.