Good luck and good bye

Look Silly Rabbit,

Dont listen to what everyone else is saying . Just cancel your Voom now and save yourself the frustration.

Besides you'll be canceling in a couple of months anyway (along with every other Voomer) when Directv has those 20+ HD channels.

So stop dilly dallying and get on the phone, Pick up an HD Tivo from Circuit City, grab a pizza and say Hello to your new friend Rupert. :yes
zubinh said:
Look Silly Rabbit,

Dont listen to what everyone else is saying . Just cancel your Voom now and save yourself the frustration.

Besides you'll be canceling in a couple of months anyway (along with every other Voomer) when Directv has those 20+ HD channels.

So stop dilly dallying and get on the phone, Pick up an HD Tivo from Circuit City, grab a pizza and say Hello to your new friend Rupert. :yes

if I remember correctly you don't even have an HD tv set, do you? LOL :rolleyes:
zubinh said:
Besides you'll be canceling in a couple of months anyway (along with every other Voomer) when Directv has those 20+ HD channels.

Hahahah... why in the holy fart would every Voomer drop their DBS for DTV? So they can trade 35+ HD channels (let's take out the premium duplicates like HBOW, STARZW, CINEMAXW, and well that's it.)

For DirectTV's (let's take out their duplicates, CBS-W, ABC-W, NBC-W, UPN-W, WB-W) 17 HD channels? Hell if you count that for most people OTA will is considered duplicate already, since they can get it at a better bandwidth/quality with an OTA antenna, why would you leave voom's 35+HD channels for DirecTV's 12 HD Channels?
rkr0923 said:
Simple..........programming worth watching

Ah so since most of DirectTV's HD channels are also on Voom, but Voom offers MORE HD Channels/Content.... i'd say you are right... Voom has the program worth buying. Next!
Yup, exactly why I'm with VOOM:

1 - Finally, programming worth watching. :up
2 - The most HD. :up
3 - NO COMMERCIALS :up :up :up on exclusives and premiums.

Hey, it's just personal taste. Go where you are happy! :rainbow
Voom has commercials on their exclusives, they aren't normal commercials but they, at least when I had Voom, constantly ran commercials for their other exclusives. Voom guy was annoying.

Directv has one thing Voom doesn't: A DVR, namely a DVR that can record HD.
You don't have Voom anymore you're in the wrong forum Standard Definitition Addicts (D*) have their own forum. Voom will have a DVR too, what good is an HD DVR with a smaller set of HD things to record!
Someone has to set some of you blind folks straight. Now if I went to the D* forum and was like YAY MORE SD!! Then came here and was like BOO NO MORE SD!!! i could see why I shouldn't... go there.
The last time I checked this was a free forum. I was making a comment. It wasn't trolling like you just did.

It's like I keep saying, if you don't like Voom then vote with your wallet.
Neutron said:
Voom has commercials on their exclusives, they aren't normal commercials but they, at least when I had Voom, constantly ran commercials for their other exclusives. Voom guy was annoying.
Voom Guy is history.

Voom exclusives have usually a 1-minute commercial for their other channels about every 15 minutes - usually it's info I like to know about.

I am talking about commercial channels where you get a 5-minute or 6-minute run of medicines, cars, fast foods.... Watching a movie becomes a joke. Imagine 5-minutes of commercials every 10 minutes in a movie theater. The patrons would burn the place down! !protest !protest !protest

Neutron said:
Directv has one thing Voom doesn't: A DVR, namely a DVR that can record HD.
I can hardly wait for Voom to get that too. :lick
zubinh said:
Just got my 61" Samsung DLP HLP6163W on Saturday. Thank you very much :D

But, my point was that you were so negative about Voom without even seriously experiencing HD on Voom. :)
andrzej said:
But, my point was that you were so negative about Voom without even seriously experiencing HD on Voom. :)

Yeah Yeah youre right. Personally I just cant understand why someone would go thru the frustration of signing with Voom given all the complaints, no DVR etc. I mean are those Voom Exclusive channels really that good? Some people say thats all they watch and others say they suck.

I believe if a person is patient they will have the best of both worlds - an HD Tivo and lots of D* HD programming. In the meantime, get a HD upscaling DVD player and rent some movies.
1080iBeVuMin said:
Like I am shouting down anybody. Sheesh! :rolleyes: :D Okay you got me there. But still, all those commercials! I almost gave up on TV until Voom came along. We caught one special movie the other night on USA (I think). The SD was tolerable, but those commercials! That's it. Never again.I see what you mean. Not sure if it's better for Voom to try to be everything for everybody, or just become better at "being Voom" and let new subscribers get used to it. :confused:

1) did I mention your name in my post? why do you assume I was talking to you. hmm. methinks thou doth protest too much :)

2) commercials are what god made tivo for. That's how I'm able to get through nbc's olympics coverage.

3) I want voom to get better at being voom too. Heck if they drop the basic pkg price to say $30 and kill all SD together, I'll take that and subscribe to cable for my sd channels. But at $40 and soon $50 plus rental, I can't afford to have voom plus something else.

The problem is when I review what I watch, I realize except for some movies, I have not watched a single program on the exclusive channels from beginning to end. I just surf and check out the pq. Kinda makes me wonder what I'm paying voom for.
Barth if VOom offers more HD, and let's say they get INHD, and a DVR why would you necessarily need Voom + Something Else. Same as if D* gets more HD channels than Voom (not including the 21 exclusives let's leave those out), and an HD-DVR, why would you neeed D* and something else ( with D* providing HD locals it seems soon, and east/west feeds)?

zubinh's post is saying be patient with D* they will offer more HD soon, and an HD-DVR. What Voomers are saying is be patient, we already have more HD let's just wait for the HD-DVR =). Voom will probably have a lease plan for the DVR for those that may not want to fork $1000 on it and get stuck with it if they don't like it. I understand what you mean Barth, but I don't necessarily watch all of any content from start to end all the time on ANYTHING. Pre-Voom, or Pre-HD for that matter. I've never owned TiVo so I'm used to changing channels with commercials, or start watching movies sometimes and get bored with it and change. I really want to know if people who switch to D* suddenly feel compelled to watch HDNet (non-sports) and DiscoveryHD from start to finish MORE. SOmetimes I get bored even with sports if the game is slow paced and change to something else...

Gotta Cancel VOOM!! On principle Only...

doom for voom(ny post) monday we will know
