Good Books

Does anyone have a Kindle? I kinda want one, but it doesn't say if you can read in the dark with it. I often read in bed after everyone else is sleeping and it would be awesome to have instead of a bulky book with a book light.
I have a Kindle. You can't read it in the dark, it has no backlighting. There are optional nightlights however....

[ame=""] Great Point Light Flex Neck Clip-On Reading Light for?@@AMEPARAM@@[/ame]
Anyone reading anything good lately? I'm rereading the Twilight Saga, mostly because the first movie is on showtime now and it leaves so much out. I haven't seen New Moon; it has a March release date for DVD and BD.

I'm still on the waiting list for Dan Brown's The Lost Symbol. I'm getting close to the top though, so hopefully I'll get to read it soon.
I read the following books during January - highly recommended for those wishing to learn something new:

- Mandia, K., Prossise, C., and Pepe, M. (2004). Incident Response and Computer Forensics, 2nd Edition.
- Kanellis, P, E. Kiountouzis, N. Kolokotronis, D. Martakos (2006). Digital Crime and Forensic Science in Cyberspace.
- Verton, D. (2005). The Insider: A True Story.
- Nelson, B., et al. (2004). Guide to Computer Forensics and Investigations.
- Wiles, J., Reyes, A. (2007). The Best Damn Cybercrime and Digital Forensics Book Period.
- Parker, T., Sachs, M., et al. (2004). Cyber Adversary Characterization—Auditing the Hacker Mind.
Does anyone have a Kindle? I kinda want one, but it doesn't say if you can read in the dark with it. I often read in bed after everyone else is sleeping and it would be awesome to have instead of a bulky book with a book light.

I read in the dark with mine using a mighty brite light - my wife loves it; she can go to sleep, and I don't keep her up.

The kindle uses e-ink,which is readable in just about any light; and works great outside in bright sunshine. In the dark, a reading light (particularly those that clip on) work awesome.

I love my kindle. And have read more since I got it in June than in the past two years.
I just finished the audio version of Stephen King's Under the Dome. Great book. Amazing character development, reminiscent of his early stuff. Liked it so much I took the plunge, and bough the e-book and have been re-reading it to catch some of the stuff I missed the first time.
I'm just about finished with Under the Dome on my Kindle. There is a lot of character development in there, and a lot of characters. I'm having a lot of fun with it.....
I just finished Shadowland by Alyson Noel. I like the Immortal series so far, but one thing that bugs me is that Ever always makes the wrong choice. Just once, can't she do the right thing? I'm still looking forward to the next book that should be out this summer. Now I need something else to read again...
I just finished Blackout by Connie Willis. Must say I was disappointed. Its not that she doesn't do her always great job of protraying ordinary people doing ordinary things in extrodinary times. In this case it is during the bombing of London in WW2. The problem is that she wrote a very long book and the publisher decided to split it into two volumes.

The second volume doesn't come out until October, and normally that wouldn't be a problem. Two things are issues. First, nobody was warning that this was the first part of a book, so I was expecting a complete novel until I got to the last chapter. I felt very cheated. Second, this volume does not have any intermediate climax or resolution. All of the characters are left hanging in mid-crisis, kind of like a season ending cliff-hanger on TV.

I pity the person who buys the second part without having read the first, because I doubt that it will be able to stand alone. The first part certainly can't.

BTW, I would recommend any of her earlier work, such as Passage, The Doomsday Book, Lincoln's Dreams, Bellwether, Remake, Fire Watch or Promised Land.
Been very busy reading the late Stieg Larsson's The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and the sequel The Girl Who Played With Fire. I am almost finished with the second one, and will have to wait anxiously for the US release of the third in the trilogy in May.

These are amazing novels. Great mysteries. They take place in Sweden, and are extremely well written. And the translations into English are excellent. You can hardly ever tell that the books are translations. The only downside is that the trilogy was published AFTER the author's death. So there will be nothing else coming from him. :(
Finished reading The Night World, books 1 and 2. Teenage books about vampires, witches, werewolves and stuff. Typical stuff really, but entertaining anyway. There are 3 stories per book. I'm looking forward to getting the third.

In the meantime, I went to library and requested Rocky's above recommendation. Might just have to buy something else at wally world to keep me occupied til I get a notification from the library. Or I might just go back to Harry Potter. I love the last book. I just keep rereading it, over and over, in between other stuff.
I am reading Hugh Ambrose' companion to THE PACIFIC, HBO's mini-series. The book is great. The stories of marines and naval aviators are compelling and in-depth. It makes me wish I had spent more time talking to my grandfather about World War II. He was in the Burma campaign.

Of course, he never wanted to talk about it. And it is too late now, by about 10 years.
Finished The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo yesterday morning. I need to stop reading in the middle of the night. I have an overactive imagination. While reading around 3 in the morning, I heard my laptop make the start up noise and the sound that tells me I'm connected to the internet and I have email. I was convinced there was someone in my living room. I layed there for an hour trying to hear anything, and then HIFI woke up and I asked him to check it out for me. My computer was on and connected, but no one was in our house. My computer was just trying to freak me out. It succeeded.

I'll pick up The Girl Who Played with Fire tomorrow when I go grocery shopping. I can't wait to read it, but only during the day! :D

Anyway, I started yesterday and finished today Sizzle by Julie Garwood. I love her books. I started reading her books in 7th grade. Only problem is, she doesn't write as many books as some of my other favorite authors. I have all of her books and read them over and over, but I wish she published more.

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