Good Books

Just finished American Assassin by Vince Flynn. Wasn't as interesting as I had anticipated. Might read it again when Holiday activities aren't so distracting.
Just finished The Templar Salvation. Good book on the story conspiracy between the Pope and Constantine and how they fabricated the Bible's content to gain control of the people. The story is an action fiction on the mission to find the documents to prove the conspiracy. Takes place in two time periods, back in 1200 and the story of how the Knights Templars located and protected the forbidden Gospels and present day effort to find them while evading mid eastern terrorists who thought the Templar treasure was monetary, not secret knowledge.
Just finished The Templar Salvation. Good book on the story conspiracy between the Pope and Constantine and how they fabricated the Bible's content to gain control of the people. The story is an action fiction on the mission to find the documents to prove the conspiracy. Takes place in two time periods, back in 1200 and the story of how the Knights Templars located and protected the forbidden Gospels and present day effort to find them while evading mid eastern terrorists who thought the Templar treasure was monetary, not secret knowledge.

I enjoyed The Last Templar and with your recommendation I have downloaded Templar Salvation to my Kindle. It'll work on my IPad as well... :) Thanks Don.
I've been reading ALOT lately. I've finished "Silent Screams" and "Silent Victim" by C.E. Lawrence. This is a series, and it was excellent! I can't wait for the next one to come out; unfortunately that won't be until Fall of this year :(. I just finished "The Justice Game" by Randy Singer. This was a free kindle download that I highly recommend. He has a similar writing style to that of John Grisham. That, combined with the fact that Singer was an actual trial lawyer, makes for very interesting story lines. Yesterday I started another one of Singer's, "By Reason of Insanity".
I downloaded "The Justice Game" last night. Also downloaded the free preview of "Tick Tock" by Patterson. It's only the first 28 chapters, but enough to make me want the whole thing I'm sure. ;) Also, my library doesn't have Silent Screams, only Silent Victim, which is the second book I think, so I'm waiting for a loan from another library to our library.
I have 9 books checked out. 7 Patterson's, 1 Nora Roberts, and 1 Catherine Fisher. I also learned that my library has Overdrive, which is audio-books, and there is an app for my droid. YAY!! So now I'm downloading two books I've read and one that I haven't to test it out. It also works on my computer, but I'm more happy about it working on my phone. ;) Anyway, what's everyone else reading now? I'm slowly working my way through all the Nora Roberts and James Patterson books my library has to offer. Kinda fun. :)

Also, April, I haven't read the last Immortals book yet, but I downloaded another of her books, called Radiance, on the kindle for like 1.99. It's from Riley's perspective instead of all about Ever. I liked it, but it went fast. The second one is called Shimmer, but it's 7.99 and I'm just not certain that it's worth 8 bucks if I'm going to read it in two hours. My library here takes FOREVER to get this series; I practically have to beg for them to get a copy. The teen section used to be awesome when I was a teen, now it just seems sad.
Let's see... Where to begin? LOL! I've been reading so much, I'm surprised my eyes haven't crossed. :) So far, I've read the entire MacGregor series by Nora Roberts. Good romantic reads, which I like.

I just finished Private by James Patterson. I loved this book, and I hope he writes more with these characters. Highly recommend it.

Also, something that kindle users might look at is You can borrow and lend your kindle books one time. I've borrowed two books so far, and lent one. It's pretty nice. I'm reading Silent Screams by C.E. Lawrence and Night Star by Alyson Noel. I have two weeks to read them, then they go back to their original owners.

Overdrive turned out not to work the way I thought on my phone. The format I thought I would be able to get was not right and I can only download mp3 formats to my phone. There aren't many books in mp3 format that sound like something I'm interested in. I haven't lost all hope, some good books I can get on my laptop, I just have to remember to listen to them before they expire.

I still have two books to go, a Coben and a Patterson, before I have to go back to the library. I'm hoping to go back on Friday. :D :D
Just finished 10th Anniversary by Patterson. It was good, as usual. :D Also finished yesterday 13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson. It was a snappy little read I picked up out of the YA section of the library.

The kids and I are gearing up for the summer reading program. I think this year Colby will get a library card, maybe Rhiannon too. The library always has the funnest things to do during the summer. Can't wait! :)
I just wrapped up reading A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. Granted it has a somewhat of a romantic story line, but it also has a historical element that I rather enjoyed. The only thing I didn't like its the first of a trilogy. The second book won't be out til next year :(. I think I'm gonna read an oldie but goodie next, the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy Trilogy, one of my favorite trilogies. I really need to get around to reading the Harry Potter series and the Lord of the Rings series, I've heard they're both really good, :rolleyes:.
I'm going to read the Lord of the Rings series this summer for the reading program. I read The Hobbit in sixth grade, and at the time, it was torture because we had to read it out loud in class. Hopefully, just reading it for myself will be more enjoyable.
I've read The Hobbit a few times, but once I finish it and move on to The Fellowship of the Ring it seems like I can't get past about half of it and I don't know why. I don't lose interest in it, but I just don't know what happens and I end up not finishing them.
Oh wow. Those are great books. One of my favorite "sets" of all time. I have read the series 3 times (at different points in my life) and enjoyed them each time. This is one case where the movies did a good job of portraying the books. Sure, there is stuff left out, but the movies were already too long for most people so I think that is OK. Have fun on the adventure!
As promised, I checked out The Hobbit and then the rest of the set that came in one HUGE book. I'm a little freaked out by the massiveness of the book. I realize it has three books in it, but it's just so big. At least it counts as three books for the summer reading program. Think I can read it in a week?
I actually have them on my Nook Color, just finding the time to read them is the problem, but I have six weeks before my next MBA class starts so I hope to at least get through the Hobbit and begin the Fellowship.

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