Golfer Tiger Woods arrested on DUI charges in Jupiter


Tiger looks like a Thug!

They really need to leave the man alone. He was not drunk and I believe he did the responsible thing pulling his vehicle over on the side of the road when he realized he could no longer safely operate it.

If he had the engine running so what!
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Pulling over after you've flattened 2 tires isn't exactly what I would call responsible. The responsible thing to do is not drive in the first place under influence of drugs or alcohol.
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Reports indicate that his vehicle was sitting in the roadway with two flat tires, bumper damage and engine running. So much for responsible vehicle operation...
I hadn't heard about that ...

Sounds like he tried to get home ?
Should have stayed put.

You'd think, why would he be driving in the first place, I'm sure he has people around him to do those type of things.
Woods had been on pills, blew a zero on the liqour meter.

I am no Woods fan, let alone appoligist. I don't care for the guy. That said, this happened to a friend of mine. She has a bad back, not much support system (lives alone, so on), and takes a crapton of pain meds (and she works every day, when she probably could get on disability, which is why I admire her). Anyway, a few years back the Doc switched up here meds and she had a bad reaction. Totally spaced out all of a sudden. It happens.

Maybe Woods just zonked himself out and drove home. Or maybe he had a bad reaction.
Pill addiction has become a serious issue especially with pain killers. This isn't his first time around the block either. if you remember back in 2009 he was found unconscious, bloody and snoring in the road after mixing Vicodin with Ambien. His neighbor had witnessed him beating the windows out of his Escalade with golf clubs. Of course being a famous celebrity nothing became of the driving incident but he did enter a sex addition clinic pertaining to his marriage breakup and eventual divorce. All that was to save face with his fans and sponsors.

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