Going back to D* ( not a rant just an explanation)

iml said:
VOOM just isn't competitive price wise...it is the one reason I haven't signed up for it yet.

I would never move to D* though. I would consider E* if they had more HD content, and even though I would never give D* one cent, you have to admit at least their pricing is competitive with the cable companies (unlike VOOM).

I dont see how you can say VOOM isnt competitive price wise. I think its pretty good especially if you got in when I did with the zero down offer and the lower early prices. Im getting way more than what TWC gave me for the same price.
iml said:
I hear ya...

I just can't see $50 per room with a 1 year commitment as a "good deal". I need 2-3 rooms and the 1 year is the killer there.

How do you figure $50.00 per room. It's $50.00 for the programming, $10.00 per receiver and $5.00 mirroring fee. I have it in two rooms and it's costing me $68.00/month.
r.jones1116 said:
How do you figure $50.00 per room. It's $50.00 for the programming, $10.00 per receiver and $5.00 mirroring fee. I have it in two rooms and it's costing me $68.00/month.

• Get all VOOM equipment with 1 receiver
• $199 installed, $9.50/month
• Your choice of VOOM or Va Va VOOM programming
• Add up to 5 additional receivers, each $50 installed and $14.50/month

riffjim4069 said:
It must be a Couch Potato versus Chair Potato thing...
txcruiser said:
• Get all VOOM equipment with 1 receiver
• $199 installed, $9.50/month
• Your choice of VOOM or Va Va VOOM programming
• Add up to 5 additional receivers, each $50 installed and $14.50/month

you are not making your silly arguments against Voom any stronger by providing false information...
andrzej said:
you are not making your silly arguments against Voom any stronger by providing false information...

Thanks for enlightening me...but

Exactly what is false?

This is coming straight from VOOM's own website. It' doesn't matter if you sign-up for a 1 year committment or not. Price remains the same.


• Add up to 5 additional receivers, each $50 installed and $14.50/month

Maybe you need to tell Mr. VOOM what his current offer is these days?
zubinh said:
I simply cannot believe the rudeness and immaturity of the Voomongers.

Madtown posted a well thought out thread and gave his opinions on what he liked and didnt like. His post will help hundreds even thousands of people in their decision for a DBS provider. He didnt insult anyone. He even stated its not to put down Voom.

And what does he get in return? He gets blasted and insulted by Voomongers.

You desperate Voomongers are the true "Trolls" of Satelliteguys. It will surely be a glorious day when your Voom screen goes blank and you seek advice on installing your new D* system.
Ill pm ya when it goes blank.
txcruiser said:
Thanks for enlightening me...but

Exactly what is false?

This is coming straight from VOOM's own website. It' doesn't matter if you sign-up for a 1 year committment or not. Price remains the same.

Not exactly. With 1-year commitment the instalation is $49 not $199. Plus, if you decide to get VaVaVoom programming package instalation of the 2nd and 3rd receivers are FREE. :)

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