For those with DVB receivers, can anyone scan AMC1 C band for the proper frequency, symbol rate, and FEC for GMA Life TV? My visionsat IV-200 scans a multiplex on 3895MHz with a symbol rate of 6387, I think with an FEC of 3/4. There should be two channels, first one should be "GLTV US", or GMA Life TV, and the second one should be "International 1 - AC3" which I don't know what it is, as it's PowerVU encrypted. There is also a radio channel too. I tried to enter in this information in my Motorola DSR-4410 IRDs, both of them in DVB mode, but neither would pick it up and I'd like to verify if I have the right transponder information.
For those with DVB receivers, can anyone scan AMC1 C band for the proper frequency, symbol rate, and FEC for GMA Life TV? My visionsat IV-200 scans a multiplex on 3895MHz with a symbol rate of 6387, I think with an FEC of 3/4. There should be two channels, first one should be "GLTV US", or GMA Life TV, and the second one should be "International 1 - AC3" which I don't know what it is, as it's PowerVU encrypted. There is also a radio channel too. I tried to enter in this information in my Motorola DSR-4410 IRDs, both of them in DVB mode, but neither would pick it up and I'd like to verify if I have the right transponder information.