Get a rain check to put under the tree.

I went through that last Christmas. Told the kids Dad will try and find a Wii after Xmas. Santa was all out. I agree. No way would I put a raincheck under the tree.
Is it me, or do they seem more scarce than last year?
I do think they are a bit more scarce because demand is up since people have seen how fun they are.

I could have had a couple after Christmas last year, but I passed. It wasn't until I finally played one and said "We've got to have one of these".

Back on Topic... Raincheck is dumb idea and bad term. I have never had to pre-pay for a raincheck. What if the buyer never gets a chance to get one. Does it get refunded?
Doesn't look like they're doing it anymore, but Wal-Mart was doing something similar. You'd go to and bring up the Wii, and it looked like it was in stock, until you realize you were actually just getting a Wal-Mart gift card for the same amount as the purchase price of the Wii, and you still had to take your chances actually finding one...
Seems alot more scarce, I've been trying to find one for PG over the last 4 days at all the walmarts in a 1 hour driving radious from me and they havent had a single one delivered. A month ago there was 3 - 10 in most stores and last year it was pretty easy to get them, after looking on craigslist it seems that people have bought them up and are now selling them for $350 - $500.
How many people think its an artificial shortage? It seems highly unlikely to me that over a year into things at the Chinese mega-factories that they couldn't ramp up production by now. If Apple can do it with the iPhone/iPod launches every 6 months, then Nintendo sure as hell should be able to.

I think its very slick on their part...creates artificial secondary markets, inflates the real demand to 'mythic' proportions, maintains an inflated valuation (when they should be dropping the price by now--it is old technology after all) and free hype. Very slick.
How many people think its an artificial shortage? It seems highly unlikely to me that over a year into things at the Chinese mega-factories that they couldn't ramp up production by now. If Apple can do it with the iPhone/iPod launches every 6 months, then Nintendo sure as hell should be able to.

I think its very slick on their part...creates artificial secondary markets, inflates the real demand to 'mythic' proportions, maintains an inflated valuation (when they should be dropping the price by now--it is old technology after all) and free hype. Very slick.
Not sure what to say, but Nintendo needs to deliver more Wii's its really stupid, by the 1 year mark both Xbox 360/ PS3 were able to fully stock thei markets with their consoles, the Wii isn't, now I know some of you will say its been selling like crazy, well if they are doing so well, why aren't they sending a mass amount of Wii's to the gamestores (AkA GameCrazy,Gamestop,EB)/bestbuy /CC/Walmart and other electronic places? Increasing demand? Well guess what the demand will go down after Christmas.
They are doing so hot, but still very poor on the level of production.
Now I may be wrong, but some of you Wii guru's please let me know whats going on here.
How many people think its an artificial shortage? It seems highly unlikely to me that over a year into things at the Chinese mega-factories that they couldn't ramp up production by now. If Apple can do it with the iPhone/iPod launches every 6 months, then Nintendo sure as hell should be able to.

I think its very slick on their part...creates artificial secondary markets, inflates the real demand to 'mythic' proportions, maintains an inflated valuation (when they should be dropping the price by now--it is old technology after all) and free hype. Very slick.

They have to keep the price of the console up because they're not selling any software to offset it. The motion gimmick with the Wii is covering up the fact that it's really not any more successful than their last effort was at actually moving titles off the shelf. Eventually, that's going to catch up with them...
How many people think its an artificial shortage? It seems highly unlikely to me that over a year into things at the Chinese mega-factories that they couldn't ramp up production by now. If Apple can do it with the iPhone/iPod launches every 6 months, then Nintendo sure as hell should be able to.

I think its very slick on their part...creates artificial secondary markets, inflates the real demand to 'mythic' proportions, maintains an inflated valuation (when they should be dropping the price by now--it is old technology after all) and free hype. Very slick.

They're producing 1.8 million a month. How much more do you want them to gear up? Beyond a certain number the cost to produce more will cause the cost (and therefore price) to rise.
They have to keep the price of the console up because they're not selling any software to offset it. The motion gimmick with the Wii is covering up the fact that it's really not any more successful than their last effort was at actually moving titles off the shelf. Eventually, that's going to catch up with them...
I've had mine since the Spring. Kids only have a few games for the Wii, with a few more coming at Xmas. They enjoy playing sport and Mario games. If the title is available on the 360, that's where my $$ goes.
How many people think its an artificial shortage? It seems highly unlikely to me that over a year into things at the Chinese mega-factories that they couldn't ramp up production by now. If Apple can do it with the iPhone/iPod launches every 6 months, then Nintendo sure as hell should be able to.

I think its very slick on their part...creates artificial secondary markets, inflates the real demand to 'mythic' proportions, maintains an inflated valuation (when they should be dropping the price by now--it is old technology after all) and free hype. Very slick.


20 or so trickling in to stores every so often is a joke.
I got my Wii in February, but not from around here.

The latest game we play on my weekly game night with the guys is Sonic and Mario at the Olympics. Very tiring game, especially since our game night is after league bowling.

Looking forward to Mario Kart for the Wii.

What's going on at Costco?!--No more PS3s?!

Nintendo DS Lite a good system?

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