German Sports channel changes to different channel

Howdy :)

Ok, here some info for you guys:

->neunelf: that is not quite correct. I personally watched the Herta BSC game live, but no, they did not show the games prior to that. The next day, while there were live games going on, they again showed nothing, but then later showed some taped delay stuff (which I did not watch, so I forgot which game it was; but I already knew the result). In short, it seems they show 'some' 2. BL and you sort of have to guess when or which.

->psychotrope: they do have a guide at MGTV+ ... but you have to pay for it. :p Yep, I am not joking. They want 30$ for 1 year of TV guide of their own programming. Hilarious if you ask me. :)

All in all I am quite annoyed by those changes, and I seriously cannot imagine anyone wanting to see those age old movies in lieu of live game coverage, and maybe some other sports as they used to do. If there were any other choices here in the US, I definitely would cancel my subscription with them. As there are not, I feel sort of trapped with an inferior product.
Where did you find the information about paying for the TV guide? I couldn't find anything on their site. It's just a "Site under maintenance" intro page. And why does Locate TV still have a listing for My Sports Germany current as of today if Dish is the only one who carried My Sports Germany and that channel is now gone? It almost seems like someone is still offering the programming and offerings of My Sports Germany somewhere.
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Well, I do not know what 'locate tv' does, but the locatetv-info has nothing to do with the program actually shown now on MGTV+. I think they just somehow rehash last year's program. I cannot find any valid reference anywhere on the web to a current MSG.

Go to germankinoplus dot com / tv-schedule dot php and you will see... an empty page, and then towards the bottom the option to subscribe, for just 29.95$ (!), to a year of emailed program guides.

Pretty outrageous, eh? :)
bundesliga schedule on my german tv + ?????

Yea I noticed this change too, but I cant find any scheduling info in order for me to tape certain Bundesliga games. Where can I find the channel schedule for my german tv + bundesliga games????
If you read our conversations you know the answer: nowhere, unless you pay for it. Maybe we should start a collection and one gets the service and publishes the program here every month. :p
Howdy :)

Ok, here some info for you guys:

->neunelf: that is not quite correct. I personally watched the Herta BSC game live, but no, they did not show the games prior to that. The next day, while there were live games going on, they again showed nothing, but then later showed some taped delay stuff (which I did not watch, so I forgot which game it was; but I already knew the result). In short, it seems they show 'some' 2. BL and you sort of have to guess when or which.

->psychotrope: they do have a guide at MGTV+ ... but you have to pay for it. :p Yep, I am not joking. They want 30$ for 1 year of TV guide of their own programming. Hilarious if you ask me. :)

All in all I am quite annoyed by those changes, and I seriously cannot imagine anyone wanting to see those age old movies in lieu of live game coverage, and maybe some other sports as they used to do. If there were any other choices here in the US, I definitely would cancel my subscription with them. As there are not, I feel sort of trapped with an inferior product.

are you sure it wasn't hertha from a prior bseason?
GOL TV shows Bundesliga 1 in English on DirectTV, now they have the same lineup as Dish, so why stay with Dish for a similar product in German, when I can watch in English on Gol?
Dish's advanyage to me was having Bundesliga 2 as well as !, now all they have is an inferior product.
After 16 years with Dish it'sa time to move to Direct!
As I re-read the e-mail I received from the company when I fist complained to them, I think it may shine some light on the subject. See:

"Thanks a lot for your email and your interest in our programming. Apologies for the late response, but I had two days off.

We have decided to cancel My Sports Germany as we realized that mainly Bundesliga was watched by our subscribers.
Now we want to offer a broader range of programming - of course including Bundesliga, but also with popular German series and classic
German movies.
Until the new season will start you can watch repeats of the 2011/12 season. And then you'll be able to watch Live games again, the top matches and
the BL-Konferenz.

There will be a website where you can get all necessary information. Please give us some more time to install everything - and don't hesitate to contact
us again with any other requests of thoughts. We do hope you will enjoy the new channel as much as you enjoyed My Sports Germany."

Notice that he/she said that their subscribers were mostly interested in the Bundesliga. To me, that must be saying that no one cared about their coverage of Table Tennis, Bundesliga Austria, and possibly even Bundesliga 2. If you read the e-mail in the context of what we've seen from the first weekend of 2. Bundesliga action (or lack thereof), I think the point the author if this e-mail is making is that people only cared about the German Bundesliga so that's all they're focusing on. That means more tired repeats until the season starts when they will resume (hopefully) some kind of meaningful coverage of the league. But only the 1. league perhaps and not the 2. league. They also said that they would have program information on their site available once they got their act together. I hold out hope that the $30/year for e-mailed programming schedules is a temporary joke, albeit a bad one.
Ah yes, that email does shed some light on things. What I am a little concerned about, even with BL coverage however, is that they say 'top matches and BL Konferenz'. Technically, that could mean nothing but the Saturday games (thats where usually the Konferenz is, plus the so-called topgame after). Let us hope they at least show ALL the games, then I might be slightly mollified. ;)

Thanks for the info psycho.

I will keep checking into here so we all can discuss how things develop. Btw, for those who do speak German, there are ways to watch all German TV stations (tape delayed) other than the Sky network online. That is how I will be, for instance, watching the Supercup game on Sunday between Bayern and Dorthmund. Let me know if anyone needs info on that. :)
Hallo Mirariel, mit Interesse habe ich dein Posting gelesen. Kannst Du mir emhr Info's zukommen lassen wie ich German TV stations sehen kann wie von Dir erwaehnt.

Danke fuer deine Antwort.

As I re-read the e-mail I received from the company when I fist complained to them, I think it may shine some light on the subject. See:

"Thanks a lot for your email and your interest in our programming. Apologies for the late response, but I had two days off.

We have decided to cancel My Sports Germany as we realized that mainly Bundesliga was watched by our subscribers.
Now we want to offer a broader range of programming - of course including Bundesliga, but also with popular German series and classic
German movies.
Until the new season will start you can watch repeats of the 2011/12 season. And then you'll be able to watch Live games again, the top matches and
the BL-Konferenz.

There will be a website where you can get all necessary information. Please give us some more time to install everything - and don't hesitate to contact
us again with any other requests of thoughts. We do hope you will enjoy the new channel as much as you enjoyed My Sports Germany."

Notice that he/she said that their subscribers were mostly interested in the Bundesliga. To me, that must be saying that no one cared about their coverage of Table Tennis, Bundesliga Austria, and possibly even Bundesliga 2. If you read the e-mail in the context of what we've seen from the first weekend of 2. Bundesliga action (or lack thereof), I think the point the author if this e-mail is making is that people only cared about the German Bundesliga so that's all they're focusing on. That means more tired repeats until the season starts when they will resume (hopefully) some kind of meaningful coverage of the league. But only the 1. league perhaps and not the 2. league. They also said that they would have program information on their site available once they got their act together. I hold out hope that the $30/year for e-mailed programming schedules is a temporary joke, albeit a bad one.

Thanks for this clarification!

If they only show Bundesliga1, then I can watch it via GOL TV , MUCH CHEaPER than the Dish package!

I think this switch of channels is a big mistake by Dish. It's making me leave after 16 years of subscribing.
Thanks again for the info!
Sicherlich Dirk :)

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Viel Spass :)

(ach uebrigens, als pro Mitglied kann man auch einige Sachen direkt von dort streamen, sobalds zum download verfuegbar ist. Das ist zB ganz nett bei Fussball spielen. Kann man sich den dl sparen.)
Last night (sunday), at about 10 pm EST they showed the small conference with Union vs Braunschweig and Regensburg vs Duisburg. Again, entirely unpredictable and obviously tape delayed. So they DO show some 2. Bundesliga, at least for now, we just never know when. :p
UPDATE: I e-mailed my contact at the company again regarding the DFB-Pokal (which they do NOT have rights to) and what their coverage of 1.Bundesliga and 2.Bundesliga will be like this year. I will give the response below. It is very helpful. Especially if you understand the significance of BL-Konferenz and what that is. Also, the web site Pure Entertainment! | My German TV+ is online now with a program guide. Only a matter of time before Dish's guide reflects this info I'm sure. Here is the e-mail response:

"I've just contacted the colleague who takes care of our website. He told me that it will be online today - I'll check as well ... Re. the program guide: I still don't have any info when it will be available; apologies for that, but all we can do from here is to ask our colleagues in the US. Hopefully, this will be sorted quickly! The reason for the delay is that we couldn't deliver the program information in time due to licensing and material issues.

Soccer: Unfortunately, we do not have the rights for the DFB-Pokal. In terms of 1. and 2. Liga we can offer you the following with the start of the new season:

- A live game on Fridays - we'll start the new season on August 24 with Dortmund vs Bremen at 2.00pm EST (all times are EST), followed by the live show "Mein Stadion" at 4.45pm.
- The live Konferenz for 1. Liga on Saturdays: first tx date: August 25 at 8.30am, followed by the live show "Alle Spiele, alle Tore" at 10.30am
- The live Konferenz for 2. Liga on Sundays: that has already started; the Konferenz for the third round will be aired on August 26 at 7.00am
The third of our three live shows from Sky, "Sky 90", will be aired on August 26 at 1.30pm for the first time.
And we show three delayed 1. Bundesliga games every Thursday in full length from 7.00pm EST.

As things are right now, we can't show all games from 1.Liga in full length. But with the Konferenzen you will not miss any goal - and games of your favorite team will be aired in full length, in case you have a favorite team.
By the way, all of the shows will be repeated - you don't have to get up in the middle of the night...

The situation for 2. Liga might change - can't promise anything yet, but during the season we might be able to offer games in full length.

I hope this information is useful for you."

I'm excited about the live showing of Konferenz, also Allle Spiele Alle Torre, live Friday game, and three tape delayed games on Thursday. That might just be enough coverage to keep me happy. And he said this is for the start of the season. We'll see where they go from there.
Thank you for the information Psychotrope. Also, thank you everyone else for the info.

I was going to purchase Dish for the Bundesliga 2 coverage, but now it seems it will be spotty at best. Are there any alternatives to legitimately watch Bundesliga 2 in the US? Money is not a problem, tape delay is fine, internet or TV is fine. I can't seem to find anywhere but Dish that carried the league. Very disapointing.
They have shown Konferenz for 2.Bundesliga week 1 and week 2 (week 3 will be 8-26 live at 7:00 AM ET). But week 1 and 2 were not shown live, only later on. I don't know the total number of 2.Bundesliga games that they've shown since the season started, but I believe that, not including the tape-delayed showings of Konferenz for each week, they showed (on tape delay) one to two games per Spieltag. Plus the opening game live on Friday of week 1. According to them, it sounds like Konferenz will be shown for liga 2 on Sundays live (at least 3 or 4 games with whiparound coverage), but no one knows yet how many full-length games will be shown from 2. It doesn't sound like very many and perhaps none live. So this still may be your best option if you at least want to catch the live whiparound coverage on Sunday mornings. Not great, but it's something for liga 2 fans.
So essentially, if I do understand that right, the 3 tape delayed games on Thursday should be the 'Top Game' from the previous Saturday and the two Sunday games. That is a little sad, given that its 4 to 5 days later and especially early in the season many top games are on Sundays (due to the international games during the week). We can hope that the info your contact gave you was simply not entirely complete yet. :)

Great info, that program guide is great too. Thanks a lot :)

@Lamprey: as pointed out before in this thread by me, there is a way to watch all TV shows that are not on Sky via the internet (free of charge at that!), a little tape delayed (onlinetvrecorder dot com). I wrote a guide to that in German. If you do not speak German, let me know and I will try to explain it in English. ;) This means, that you can watch 'Sportschau' for instance, which always has a segment on 2. BL, or all the 3rd Channels by the ARD, who show respective sport-shows of the teams in their 'Bundesland' and so forth. Of course, there are also sites on the net that offer live-coverage... but those are, lets say, rather semi-legal, hence I am not sure if I am allowed to provide you with any links for those here. :)
... As things are right now, we can't show all games from 1.Liga in full length. But with the Konferenzen you will not miss any goal - and games of your favorite team will be aired in full length, in case you have a favorite team.

What does it mean "...and games of your favorite team will be aired in full length". Can I pick a favorite team (i.e. Schalke04), provide this to Dish and they show all games (live) in full? How would that work?
Maybe you have a chance to ask your contact at Dish?

Hehe, no you cannot ask for games. They are just saying that all games will show ... at some point. We are discussing the 'when', which appears to be not always live (if you read the entire thread you will get the context I am sure). Never mind that nobody would want to see Schalke anyhow. ;)

Btw, I was watching the DFP Pokal coverage in Sportschau on the online recorder (I do not download it anymore, I just watch it via stream once its up, even though that costs like 7 cents or so - which you can gain via banner clicks anyhow). Amusing weekend. Especially entertaining for instance was the 0:4 (!!) of Hoffenheim vs a 4th league team. :p But there were a nice few fun games, and tomorrow I will watch the Monday night game there in full length. I can only recommend that for this or for Laenderspiele.
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Hi Mirariel,

I checked the "Programmplan" for this weekend, and it seems they have today's game live, and on Saturday the "Bundesliga Conference", but no live coverage on Sunday, other than the confernce for the 2nd Division?
That does not make sense or? Does the channel guide on Dish tell the same or do they show any live games on Sunday?

Btw, yes , I am a Schalke supporter and if they do not show any games live, I am not getting the Channel again (I had it back in 2006 and 2007)


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