GEOSATpro GEOSATpro HDVR1200 Firmware - Beta Version - 20130818APP

Should I buy now??

I have dishes for galaxy 19 & AMC21 ready to go!! If buy and hook receiver ( HDVR 1200 ) will I have issues with receiver until new firmware is released?? ( Toronto Canada )
picking new receiver up on Tuesday!

Looks like a go for 1200HDVR! Will purchase this Tuesday ( Dec 10 /2013 ) and start with Galaxy 19 then AMC 21 and report back here. One question though?? Which transponder on GAL 19 do I use for firmware update?:confused:
When you select Software Tools in the system settings menu, the Satellite Update-Setup will have it selected already.

Transponder 376
Frequency 11842
Symbol Rate 22000
Just set up 1200

Just installed my new 1200. Easy set up and menu screens / Galaxy 19 no problem but looks like I have to align my AMC21 dish!! My question is I have a signal meter that i used for the strong signal circular polarity's. Will I be able to hook this in line with my LNB by the dish and select AMC21 in the sat set up menu and listen for the linear beeps?? Will this older style meter work with the mpeg4? I have only older style small TV that only has coaxial hookup up so I can't take the 1200HDVR out by the dish with that TV and use the signal meter:)
Yes it should work fine. You will notice though there is not as much room for error, in other words the needle will jump up and back very quickly so go very slow. :)
AMC21 Strong transponder??

I spent a couple of hours last night trying to find signal on AMC 21! I have 33" dish which i have locked signal on old mpeg 2 channels. ( Create/World/& other PBS channels) I am using a eaglestar Pro 53-0405 satellite finder meter. Had beeping on a couple of sats but not AMC21. I know this is a slow process but I wonder if anyone that has AMC 21 in their Sat list could tell me the strongest transponder I could select?? Last night I selected TP 24 12180V from the transponder list on my new 1200 HDVR and slowly moved my dish but of no avail!! ( I have galaxy 19 locked in no probs ) I've used dishpointer for my aim. LNB is 79% Linear 10750. Plan to go out again before snow hits tomorrow LOL ( Toronto Canada ) :)
I have been having sporadic signal fluctuations on 125 W since June. The 4 years prior to that it was rock solid. I know of 2 other FTA people near me that see the same problem. This morning the OETA transponder signal level was bouncing between 5 and 70 every 15 seconds. All of the rest were fine. 2 months ago the Montana PBS signal was doing the same thing. It may not be your problem.
Did you mess up your receiver some how? If it will boot ok, you will not need a computer tool. Just copy the .ssu file to a flash drive and plug that into the receiver and upgrade through USB for the menu.
the problem i have is i used an old .ssu file to upgrade my receiver and the satellite names and the tp are off from the menu. I plug in flash drive with latest firmware update file the button to hit to start upgrade is also freezed that is why i needed the CKT_DB_TOOL EXE. to use via R232
All the transponders on AMC 21 are S2. An analogue signal meter will not work. You have to use the meter in the receiver.
Did you mess up your receiver some how? If it will boot ok, you will not need a computer tool. Just copy the .ssu file to a flash drive and plug that into the receiver and upgrade through USB for the menu.
the problem i have is i used an old .ssu file to upgrade my receiver and the satellite names and the tp are off from the menu. I plug in flash drive with latest firmware update file the button to hit to start upgrade is also freezed that is why i needed the CKT_DB_TOOL EXE. to use via R232

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