The only commercial that I have see her in is the Geico commercial. She is great with Alexis. Diane mentioned Alexis running for mayor today. I guess it is vacation time again for Luke? The return of Luke in the fall. The whole mayor story is zzzzzzz, but it brings some more mature actors back on screen.I haven't watched them yet.
It does seem strange that they are putting so much focus an Matt being to blame. Then again, it's diverting questions away from the mayor.
Probably get to Luke being gone tomorrow.
I like Diane too. Have you seen the commercial the actress is in. Same personality comes out in that.
I only meant to quote the one line on for detail ther TP.I think they need to do more investigating on what actually happened to that poor girl Brianna before they sue Matt for malpractice. I don't think it was actually his fault, but guess we'll see. Diane cracks me up, about her shoes and Max. I just like her, she's funny.
Christina just thinks she can get away with everything. What is she going to do when she gets caught? Or Jason finally does catch up with Alexis and Sonny to tell them what she's been up to for real.
I'll be back in a minute. We have really bad weather coming here, need to check on some stuff.
Okay, this is not necessary information, but does the guy that plays Johnny actually play the piano, because that is so hot.
Coleman needs to trim his mustache.
Spinelli shouldn't drink even if he is in pain, funny pain. So are Maxie and Spinelli an item, or just best best friends? I apparently can't keep up.
Today was a very interesting day, and when is Carly going to dial down the stress and just let Sonny handle Michael for now? She's got to have an episode of dizziness coming on soon, with all the stuff she's been doing.
Weather's basically over for now. Hope it stays that way.
Now that would be something to watch.....Luke would have a cow then for sure. :rant: You should contact the writers of the show.Yeah, Stefan was killed, but I can't remember by who. But it is a soap, so you never really know if someone is gone forever or not. So I could see him bringing Laura back and working in cahoots with Helena against Luke and Nikolas.
Hey just popped in for like 2 minutes.....I cannot figure out this storyline? Guess all will come clear when the mayor's wife gets to town.So Sam was working for the mayors wife and overheard the bang and saw the mayor go for the advil. Guess that rules out my... "the wife did it" theory. I thought the mayors wife came in and bonked her on the head while the mayor went out for the advil after the bump in the shower.