I kind of like Heather. I liked her when she played "Janet from another planet" on All my children too. I especially like the One Life to Live characters showing up. Just wish they could include Vicki from OLtL.
She always plays a crazy. Lol. The actresses face droops - she looks like she never smiles
Maybe Vicki will come testify on Kate's behalf.
I believe it on the baby switch. All soaps run this type of story NUMEROUS times. Kind of why soaps are dieing out now. IT's been done, and done and done....
John Ingle, who played stately Edward Quartermaine on General Hospital from 1992 until last week, died Sunday, reports People.com. He was 84.
I think because he passed away right after they had him survive the drugged water. Then they probably waited for a little while for the family. They will be re running the episode where he wants Emma to have the antidote on thanksgiving.