General Hospital

For some reason the previews did not show up until today instead of friday. I haven't watched todays yet. I saw Lisa throw herself on Robin's hood.... stupd with a capital S I agree 100% about them having too many storylines and not finishing. This thing with Franco is being dragged out and now they have Brenda's storyline and the cop so desperate to get Sonny behind bars that he is tampering with evidence.... Nothing is keeping my interest because they are hopping around too much!
Sonny has finally convinced both Dante and Olivia that he did not shoot an unarmed Johnny. But he doesn't have much confidence that the justice system will be so easily swayed. So he jumps bail ... and flees the country!

Sonny's escape has a huge impact on people in Port Charles. Dante and Olivia feel totally burned for having trusted him. And will that trust in Sonny be a permanent wedge between Olivia and Johnny? Not to mention the fact that Michael and Kristina have been abandoned by their dad -- which is yet another issue on their pile of emotional baggage.
The good news, for Sonny at least, is that he flees to Rome ... which is, of course, where Brenda's been living. She's dealing with her whole stalker situation -- and she might know more about this stalker guy than she's letting on. (Hmm ... do you think it's Franco?). But more importantly: Brenda and Sonny finally lay eyes on each other THIS WEEK.
Meanwhile, Carly and Brook Lynn have found themselves at an impasse. Brook wants money for seducing Dante away from Lulu. Carly doesn't think Brook seduced hard enough. Brook threatens to spill Carly's treachery to Lulu. Bottom line? This is the week Lulu finally learns the truth about Carly.
All this, PLUS: Robin confronts Lisa face to face, which should either be really satisfying for Robin or will lead to Lisa going even farther off the deep end. Can Patrick and Mac (i.e. the law) be of any help here -- or is Robin on her own in dealing with a total lunatic? And in the aftermath of the Carly/Lulu revelations, Brook Lynn finds herself out in the cold ... until an unlikely someone takes notice of her.
Port Charles's most hilarious marriage gets a second honeymoon as Jason gets dispatched to Rome in order to protect Brenda. Look for the two to fall back into old habits: Jason trying to shield Brenda from danger, Brenda rebelling against control, and the both of them bickering like crazy.
And not only does Jason have to keep Brenda safe, he also has to be Brenda's date to a fancy gala event! Can you imagine Jason on a red carpet?
Back in Port Charles, Patrick and Robin launch their plan to trick Lisa into revealing her insane schemes. Step 1: Patrick fakes being nice to Lisa in order to gain her trust. Step 2: Well, whatever Step 2 is, it probably doesn't include what Lisa does next.
Meanwhile, Lucky begins his undercover assignment in Ireland. Say goodbye to Lucky Spencer and hello to ... Ronan O'Reilly.
All this, PLUS: Michael gets into a fight at his new school. and Dante might know more about this "Balkan" who's stalking Brenda than you might think.
PSSSSST! It's very lonely in here. I think you all gave up.
I can't stand Brenda and I think the storyline of her and Sonny suddenly not being able to think of anyone else is stupid!!!! I hate the Nik & Brook thing. I think it is terrible for Sonny to get involved with Claire if they think they will be pairing him with Brenda.... although perhaps that will give Claire what she wants.
Lucky (JJ) I am enjoying no matter what... look at those tears!
Lisa is totally insane.... this storyline is at least half way interesting. Oh well...
Patrick and Robin are in huge trouble -- and they don't even realize it. Lisa's onto their ruse, and she's planning a counterattack. Clearly, the woman is capable of anything, and this is the week she figures it's time to stop playing around and go after Robin for real ... she kidnaps her! Things are about to get really, really bad. Patrick better get moving if he wants to save her in time.
Over on the Emerald Isle, Lucky runs into some trouble in his undercover assignment as Ronan O'Reilly. Like, specifically, he gets kidnapped. Fortunately, Dante and Lulu show up and must pretend to be cops in order to get him free. You think Lulu will feel exhilarated by taking after her adventurous parents' example?
Brenda and Jason hit the red carpet for a glitzy, glamorous gala event. Expect Brenda to be luminous and elegant. Expect Jason to be exceedingly uncomfortable. More importantly, when the paparazzi photos make it back to Port Charles, all hell is going to break loose. Carly? Sam? Spinelli? Everybody flips -- for different reasons, of course.
With Brenda dodging flashbulbs with Jason overseas, Sonny is back in Port Charles and must do something to get his mind off of Brenda. So look for him to once again turn to Claire Walsh. Sonny's nemesis, Johnny, has a better luck -- as he and Olivia are getting back together.
All this, PLUS: Nikolas continues his efforts to polish the diamond in the rough that is Brook Lynn. But he's got the craziest idea on that front yet, as he approaches Maxie to be Brook's stylist. That idea is just insane enough to be tremendous.
Ok, so we gave up satellite when HIFI switched positions in his company. I haven't been watching til last week. HIFI signed up for Hulu, and told me I could watch GH on that, only a day later than y'all. I'm loving it. So I'm mostly caught up.

I LOVE Jonathan Jackson!!!!! I love him as Lucky, but I LOVE him as Ronan. An accent like that is the hottest thing EVER!!!! :D

I like the Lisa/Patrick/Robin story, but I don't like the actress that plays Lisa. I don't know, the way she talks bugs me. It's weird.

Also, did they get new hair stylists? Because, with the exception of a few of the girls, most of them look like a preschooler tried to do their hair. But it could just be me...
I know... that is exactly how I feel about JJ. He does the accent pretty well. But... I am a sucker for an accent. Maybe it's because I don't have one :) hehe
Well, you know Maxies hairdo has been questionable from the start. Lisa I think is going so bananas that she doesnt think of doing her hair... who knows.

Have you missed the Brenda episodes where she does that stupid phony laugh? I never watched Vegas so I don't know how she was on there but her line delivery stinks.
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I always liked Brenda, but yes, her laugh is phony. I like how she can move one eyebrow, wish I could do that. I think most actors/actresses can, but the way she does it is cool. I wish Jason was taking Sam with him to Rome. Would love to see Sam sizing up Brenda and vice versa. :D
Brenda looks old, I know she is older now than before, but when they do flashbacks, she looks so young and fresh and healthy, and then they come back to "the now" and she just looks too skinny and old. Is it just me?

I laughed when she tried to shut the door on Jason. Like she could. LOL!

Does Claire bother anyone else? I don't like her hair or the way she talks. When she finishes a sentence, she almost always purses her lips. It drives me crazy.
Adrianne Barbeau looks pretty good for her age though.
Yes you definitely see the difference in Brenda. She is also stiff... perhaps the "corset" thing explains that :) but I did not see the point in that whole thing either. I cant see that she would be nervous because she was actively acting since she left GH. But the worst thing for me is that phony/forced laugh. Every time she does it I FF.
The whole Sonny/Brenda/Claire thing is stupid. Do the writers think we are that out of touch with reality and looking for mind numbing stupidity? I know soaps stretch reality all the time but this is really too far. Out of the blue one mention from Robin to each of them has them not able to think about anyone/anything else. Sonny runs back and jumps into bed with Claire who has mysteriously dropped everything to jump into bed with him.
Hey SatGal and Mallory....missed youz:)

Brenda does indeed look older and alot of that has to do with Botox injections(really). Her return was so anticipated for so long and now that it has happened....whoopie:(. I agree with you SatGal that when she laughs you must FF. It is like a fake sick hyena of sorts. Although her and Jason have been somewhat amusing together??? I think???

I am hoping that somehow the Balcan storyline will get to what the heck happened to Franco...the Irish speaking Lucky/Roland is a little wacky too but oh yea it is General Hospital....:confused:;)
I'm just catching up on last friday's thru today's episodes. I'm on Monday right now. Is it just me, or is Brenda's face not moving? She cocked an eyebrow, but that was about it. It looks like her face is frozen. Is that botox or just the emotion she was trying to portray?
I'm just catching up on last friday's thru today's episodes. I'm on Monday right now. Is it just me, or is Brenda's face not moving? She cocked an eyebrow, but that was about it. It looks like her face is frozen. Is that botox or just the emotion she was trying to portray?

Brenda's secret is out now about her face....get this she had cheek implants??? :eek: Why???? and not the bottom cheeks either :rolleyes:

What do you think of the connection with her and Dante? Would be a shocker if she had had Sonny's grandchild :D

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