General Hospital

Nikolas calling out Luke after Luke calling him out with Liz was a goody.....smackin time a coming. Kiefer needs to join Claudia....grrrrrr!!!
Love it that Olivia and Lulu are now consulting with each other.
Poor Lucky or should I say Nikolas when he finds out the truth. Elizabeth should just go ahead and tell him, she looks guilty has heck anyway.
I want Kiefer to go away so bad, Kristina is supposed to be so much smarter than letting some dumb*ss hit her and then make excuses. I just want to reach through the TV and smack her upside the head, and say open your eyes girl!
I agree with you on that, he is just as stupid to hit a mob boss' daughter plus a daughter of the DA. Dang what a dipstick. Carly seems to be way out of control too....what is up with that?
Post-partum Depression for Carly probably, on top of the news of all the people who knew about Claudia and didn't tell her.
Yea that is least she did not take off and leave like she did with Michael.

Also we went to Wally World tonight and I saw your pink Christmas is a cutie. You must get that..the price is really good. ;)
I probably will, sometime. If not before Christmas, definitely the day after, when it's on clearance. I got my other one that size for 4 dollars on clearance. Can't beat that!
I havent watched for two days. Hubby is watching tv in this room and I would have to go upstairs to watch it and leave the computer. Hmmmm I think I should order that laptop computer I have been looking at. The suspense is killing me!
Yes get the laptop...we have missed you and need your input on what is going on.....hope it was ok that I Pm'd the other night, was trying to get you on in here. :) Hope the work week is going better for you now? Talk to you soon.....fingers crossed. :D
I know! I love it, but I'll end up spending more money on coordinating ornaments if I get it before Christmas so that I can decorate it. If I wait til after, then I can get ornaments on clearance too. It's hard for me to wait though, I'm always afraid they won't have the one I want when I get to the store. And I'm not big on getting up @ 5 am to be at walmart by six when they open the day after Christmas like some crazy people are. No offense to those who are, i just like my sleep!
Ok... I got caught up!
Now #1 Dont you love the way those "newborns" look!
#2 Carly.... life threatening disease, dangerous birth in the woods in a cabin, checking herself out of the hospital and running around town........... um.... duh
#3............ "There's another door over there." (snickering)
#4 Michael is just following in daddys footsteps.
#5 Kiefer is not very smart..... and I don't mean the fact he was having Molly do his papers a while back.

I saw a new name SatPilot.

aarrghh Work will be getting worse before it gets better. The 1/2 timer has not committed to full time and the powers that be are getting a bit upset. They are about to remove the offer and post the position. She was supposed to take part of my position. The good news... I get a new office because of my promotion and it has windows! :) They are at the ceiling because we are in the basement so I will only be able to see the ground above my head and a bit of sky but .... windows :) And of course a considerable raise but......... windows :) I might actually know what the weather is like during the day!
pink christmas trees? I think I missed something.
You guys can PM me anytime. Of course I didnt see it til the next day. :(

Still looking at the laptop. I was waiting for Windows 7 but when they did that the laptop I was looking at also started offering the i7 processor so I was looking at $1200 and now it is up to $1600. My desktop is only about a year and a half old so I feel a bit guilty buying a laptop.
Woohoo! Windows! That's awesome! Congrats!!!!:up:D

We were chatting about decorations and such for Christmas in the chat room, and I want a pink Christmas tree that they have at Wal-mart for $15. I already have 3 other trees, but I really like this pink one. ANYWAY, that's where that came from.:D

I, for one, could not have checked myself out of the hospital the day I gave birth. But I had drugs and couldn't walk by myself, and that was a-okay by me. Carly is one tough woman!

The baby didn't even look like a "newborn" when it was a brand "newborn" baby. But she's cute and I love her name!

I wish Nik and Elizabeth would be together or not and quit going round and round about it. I like them together, but I like her with this Lucky more now than I did before. It's just the way Jonathan Jackson presents himself as Lucky. Lucky is a whole new person. He's sexier, but I think I've been saying that too much!:D
Looking forward to the guy that took the pics of claudia's death. But will they show that it was Michael that killed her, or be used to set up Jason? It kinda looks like the latter at the moment, but I could be totally wrong. Looking forward to some previews!!!
Computer troubles or I would have been back sooner. I am dazed after watching.....what a shocker to see Claudia's body dug up from the grave.....still looking clean and all despite the blood. Morbid at an extreme for sure. :yikes
Now what are they trying to pair up Ethan and Kristina or what? They were sweet with each other though....whoda thought that one up?
I am liking Dante more and more....bust a Pop!!!! Nik and Liz at Emily's grave was somewhat zzzzzzzzzzz, shame on them both(but it is entertaining of sorts). I say get them together or shutup about it and live with it. Do not destroy Lucky.
This week, all the anticipation and speculation finally pays off as Spider-Man and Milk (plus tons of other Hollywood movies) star James Franco debuts on General Hospital. Just who he's playing and what he's up to are still a bit of a mystery, but we can tell you he's all up in Jason's storyline.

Translation -- he'll be making Jason's life miserable. Does that mean he gets involved in the aftermath of Claudia's death? Is he in league with Joey Limbo? You'll have to see.

Meanwhile, Johnny keeps searching for the truth behind his sister's murder, but in the process, he's about to uncover an even bigger secret. Oh yeah, he finds out Dominic is Olivia's son. And a cop. Considering what a live wire Johnny's been since Claudia died, it's anybody's guess how he'll react.
Elsewhere in Port Charles, Luke busts Elizabeth for cheating on Lucky, while Nikolas tells Rebecca he's in love with someone else. This doesn't sound good for Liz and Lucky's future, does it?

All this, PLUS: Patrick's ex-girlfriend arrives in town; Dominic kisses Lulu; and Maxie freaks out about having seen a blood-covered Sonny on the night of the murder -- not helpful when Lucky is quizzing her about what happened to Claudia.

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