Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

I went to the UFO capital today $2.62 when I got to town, $2.89 when I got out of the Doctors office, paid $2.72 when I got back but it was $2.85 acroos the street... there was a fire & 2 fatalities at a refinery 36 miles north Tuesday, but all that gas goes to the west coast.
Expect $3.50 to $3.75 by Labor Day.
Comsumptoin continues to fall. OPEC countries are cheating on their quotas and inventories continue ot rise. Yet, the commodities markets are bullish on the market. Traders, ignoring market fundamentals continue to drive prices upward.
How long will the bubble last? Who knows.
One thing is for sure, a poor economic report combined with a stagnant job market, will stop the rise in prices. Precisely what happened in mid to late 2008.
We'll see.
I'm thinking the next 5 months are going to suck.
All the more reason to look at alternatives.....

You can look for alternatives all you want but we need a short term solution and that is forcing the prices down. The current prices are so high that by mid summer your going to see $4/gallon for low grade gasoline which will obviously hurt economic growth!
All the more reason to look at alternatives.....
Alterantives to what?
Efficient, inexpensive fuel for motor vehicles is not feasable now or in the immediate future.
Our first priority is to harvest our own resources.
This idea that we can flip a switch and stop using fossil fuels is ridiculous.
no one is saying we should not bve developing new technologies.
Right now and for the forseeable future, the world runs on oil.
That's that.

Chaparral manufacturing/engineering software and firmware lot on eBay

The guy on the customer service phone from WeaKnees is a complete jerk.
