Gas Price Info With National Gas Temperature Map

  • Server Issues.

    We are very aware that there have been system issues the past few days. In troubleshooting the system, it has been determined that the issue is at our provider and is hardware related. The provider was going to move us to a new server, however we are now told by the provider the issue is at the data center in St. Louis. They have offered to move us to a different datacenter on the East Coast or West Coast, however at this time we have declined the move to a different data center as it would affect the speed of connecting to about half our members.

    We are waiting for more information from our provider, however we are trying to ride this out to stay in the same data center, so that when the server is fixed all users in the US will get the fastest connection possible.

    If after some time the issue is not resolved we will be forced to move to another data center, if this happens there will be down time, as they will need to transfer everything to the new server and we will need to update the DNS and other settings for the new IP address of the new server. If we have to do this, the time it will take to move will be out of our hands.

    We are going to try our best to weather through this, so we thank you in advance if you encounter any issues.

    Sorry for the issue!
For those that don't list your location, can you give us a clue what metro area you're talking about?

Here in Tucson, the local grocery store has $3.65 and you get a $.10 discount using the saver card. I keep my tank above half-filled all the time. Procrastination adds about $.20/gallon.
Yep, I think Mythbusters may have busted that one along with nearly all the others being marketed.

With my Kroger discount card I found regular for $3.53 yesterday.